Not sure about posting this personal occurrence, but since I cant - TopicsExpress


Not sure about posting this personal occurrence, but since I cant afford counseling, and this mornings happening has me thrown for a bit of a loop.I was hoping my FB friends would share and hopefully add perspective to help me minimize this thing. I was getting ready to dress to go to pump class after swimming at 5 this morning at the 24hr Pearl. I did not realize that the other man in the locker room was leering at me a bit, I just thought he was kind of weird. I could feel him looking at me a little, but I truly did not expect to see him enjoying himself lets say and just creepily staring at me. Peripherally, I honestly thought he was just fastening his belt after getting dressed, because he was fully clothed when I entered. Nope, he just decided to be rude and a deviant and touch himself. I said very loudly WTF, hey wtf are you doing to which he said no Im not while he still was---COME ON really???? I told him he had a problem and that I was not the right person to do that to, and that he better leave before I help drag him out of there. He went to the front desk with me close behind him where he proceeded to tell the front desk guy he didnt feel safe at that club and wanted to complain about me. I have a pretty good friend base and an established trust and good energy at the club, so people believing me is not really the issue, I want to warn others that this predator is out there. Front desk guy not wanting to get too involved could only say sorry Eric its a he said he said situation. Yes it was, and why in the world would I ever make up something like that just to say it. I now see it is the way they operate, when they either have been caught or had other interactions with people. This young 20 something African American male was just sick enough to make me his target today. I wish he hadnt and hope to forget this as soon as possible. I feel for anyone who has ever been objectified in a way that makes them uncomfortable, I had never experienced that type of attention before and it was most unwelcome, and unwanted. Please Universe dont let others think this is proper behavior in todays society, it leaves a lasting mark, at least one I cant seem to get rid of or couldnt exercise out of me in pump or spin classes. Arg, why others inflict themselves without permission is beyond me. If I have ever made anyone uncomfortable with a compliment or smile I sure take it back now, I only want to help others have a brighter day, never have I had my own pleasure in mind when reaching out. Sorry so wordy just very messed up with this. I still believe in the Golden Rule and will forever. And I hope anyone who has read this doesnt let it ruin their opinion of people, I just know freaks are out there, and just because they havent crossed your path doesnt mean they wont so be careful and aware out there my friends. I wish you all the best possible... e
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 17:17:19 +0000

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