Not sure how i feel anymore. The adjectives in the English - TopicsExpress


Not sure how i feel anymore. The adjectives in the English language just dont work. There all too broad, they can mean too many things. Missing Averi hardcore, like having only one shoe on; I can manage just fine with one shoe, I just desperately wish I had the other one back. Moving in about a week, get off probation in 5 days, I should be happy, but Im not really happy, or sad, or even upset. I kinda lack emotion, which isnt right either, there is plenty of emotion held up inside me, I just cant accurately describe it. I find my self getting angry at little things that I used to not even pay attention to, things I know shouldnt even catch my attention. Facebook, as usual, is NO help, a whole lot of drama, and nothing even remotely relevant to my life is on here. I think I may write a little more on my book tonight, maybe get a full chapter done. Probably wont happen either, to tell you the truth. So, sorry to fill up your page with this long ass update as to whats on my mind, but FB asked, so blame Mark. Any-who, if anyone needs me you can find me somewhere floating around in whats left of my sanity... Maybe.. If its still there by tomorrow. Goodnight FB, ill be slumbering in my subconscious for a few hours so ya know, dont need me.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 05:42:24 +0000

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