Not sure if any of the parents of BHS students are aware that - TopicsExpress


Not sure if any of the parents of BHS students are aware that someone has been putting graffiti on the bathroom walls?? The problem is there was a pentagram drawn yesterday. Today someone wrote on the walls staring 10 students would be sacrificed on 11/6/14. It also had writings about satan as well as hell. I was informed its been going on for the past couple days. The assistant principle and multiple teachers were notified and the solution was to paint over it. Students were told to stop talking about it amongst each other. One student brought it to the assistant principles attention and he laughed about it and said its going to be a hard sacrifice With all the school shootings in the past, I dont believe this is something to be taken lightly or joked about especially by a school official whom we trust with our childrens safety daily. I am disgusted the solution was to grab a paint bucket and cover it up as if it never happened. Im sorry Brownsboro but its time to stand up and DEAL with the real issues within our school district instead of covering them up. Please parents dont take this lightly and its our job to speak up because they are OUR children. Only one photo Im aware of was taken before it was repainted.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 02:26:28 +0000

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