Not sure if everything is true in this article because well, it is - TopicsExpress


Not sure if everything is true in this article because well, it is the media; however, it would explain how some of these nurses are falling ill. All we can do at this point is pray for this whole situation. Pray that it can continue to be caught early and the patients do well like young Nina has done so far. We werent ready for this at all; however, we all must just take the initiative to take standard precautions and wash our hands and avoid those that are ill. Please continue to pray for the healthcare workers. The healthcare worker that has just fallen ill today was taken into isolation within 90 minutes of showing fever. This individual was at their home and measures are being taken to treat this person just like Nina. Hopefully this will be it; however, I do fear that others may follow. So just be in prayer for this whole situation and that a good stable plan can come into play because it needs to happen. Young healthy people may do ok with this if caught early, but if elderly or immunocompromised individuals fall ill, they may not do as well. And again, this is not Nina and the other workers fault. We healthcare workers can only work with what we are given. I know if I were in the situation even though I knew the possible fate if I was contaminated, I dont know that I could just walk away from a patient. I have taken a code to help others that are ill. I do think I would speak up about it, but I just a tough situation to call and these nurses should not be blamed. They are very brave and are speaking up early, which is the best thing that they can do.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:28:02 +0000

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