Not sure what to rant about today as I am worrying about my - TopicsExpress


Not sure what to rant about today as I am worrying about my darling Mister who is valiantly soldiering was a toss up last night between those people who come to the UK for our benefits or ..and I cant even remember what it was.although it had me all riled up~! I shall therefore rant about the former! Why oh Why???? do we , and dont give the crap about EU becuase other countries have dealt with the problem and we havent letting all run amok and changing teh face of Britian forever. PLEASE its not about racism this rant is about the fact that this country is already financially struck down due to a bunch of loonies being allowed by the said same Governments to gamble on our hard earned cash ways of making themselves richer...and we then decide that its ok for millions of seen and unseen persons to come into teh country and be allowed to take money from this country to send back home/to use to build or buy themselves a new home in their own country to continue to live of this state having contributed absolutely f****** ZILCH!! Watching last nights programme made me sooooo angry. We and many of my friends have worked all their lives struggling to pay their bills and likely having very little in the way of extras/holidays money spare!! and yet these people stroll in with nothing and take and we let them!! Then we get moaned at by said Govt that the bill is too high and so we shall cut the benefits for thousands of genuine people and make it harder for genuine people when times are tough or they lose their homes to get any help!! ...If we didnt have them coming in the first place there might be enough homes to go round the genuine people who need them, enough money to pay the benefits they need, equally the resources on our NHS might not be so drained and we might have enough beds and resources to continue paying for healthcare without the threat ..that mark my words is coming ...we shall have to start paying for our healthcare on top of the NI contributions already made...I ma one of those sad people who keep records of our expenses over the years and I can tell you costs have not risen by the figures spouted by the lying cheating MPS and rest of the so called professionals...(professional a***s in my book!..being now old enough to know better and not have the wool pulled over my eyes anymore and old enough to tell it like it is and say it too as I am no longer scared of who might be watching to give me a job or take mine away!) there anyone out there with guts enough to stand up and say no to all this is there anyone out there who actually reads what the ordinary person really thinks and cares? NO! the time has come yet again for Britain to follow the French this time...and have a British Revolution!...I look around at these other countries, and see how the Govts do to a degree look after their own people...the US, the French, the Netherlands, the Danes, the Swedes. I compare small details such as how our politicians dress and carry themselves in comparison to these other countries and do they inspire confidence?? Like hell!! suits that dont fit or have been ironed God forbid!....ties not done up properly.....yes I know I know its small stuff!! but in the overall scheme look at how the other countries leaders are ...yes I know that the US has a lot of problems and politicians backhanding etc and organised crime...but my goodness the way Obama carries himself, Clinton for all his philanderings, ... I am inspired! I look at Cameron and think did we get ..that! Well folks its our own fault we let it its up to us to change it!! Send a message, write to your Mp s let them know what you think scare the shit out of!! for gods sake vote!....protest something!!! or its just getting worse!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 15:57:00 +0000

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