Not sure why I decided to share this tonight. But on my drive - TopicsExpress


Not sure why I decided to share this tonight. But on my drive home this evening it hit my mind and the thought would not let go – I AM NOT PERFECT. I am NOT perfect… I have made some awful, horrible unspeakable mistakes in my life that I can never take back – never change – never hide from. I know where I came from…. I will never forget the lessons I have learned along the way or the people I have hurt. My way of remembering and moving forward is by living a lifestyle I can be proud of when judgment day comes – a lifestyle that does not make the same mistakes - a lifestyle that shows those I have hurt along the way I have learned my lessons. I want my old friends, my family and acquaintances to know that I have not forgotten where I came from…. I want my new friends and supporters to know that who I am today is not who I have always been. The person I am today was built on my past experiences and the experiences I face each and every day. It is important for me to let everyone know who follows and supports me on a daily basis - who I am today is because of everything I have went through in the past and still go through each day. I only need to learn a lesson once….I take responsibility for my mistakes own up to them and show I am truly remorseful and committed to living a new life by the actions I take each and every day. Something I have said since I was given a second chance in life actually two chances at life – “I want to thank God and everyone around me who has been a part of my life since the beginning… thank you for helping me succeed – thank you for helping me see my potential. I live life to the fullest – always finding the blessings in each and every day … living the way God has intended me to (still finding my way and growing each day) as a way of saying “THANK YOU”. Everyday till I pass away – through my actions, my words and my lifestyle I want to and hope I can show my THANKFULNESS those who gave/give me an opportunity/ies in life who believed in me – treated me like a human being and never turned their back. I will never forget the lessons of my past. Thank you for taking the time to read… I truly love all my friends, my family and my supporters…thank you for all the encouragement the love and compassion you show.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 04:35:44 +0000

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