Not that any of you really give a crap, but Im pleased to say that - TopicsExpress


Not that any of you really give a crap, but Im pleased to say that today I have decided to commit to a serious lifestyle change. My whole life, I have always been a big boy.. Despite my size, I had always remained actively involved in sports and recreational activities.You could refer to it as being an athletic fat guy (lol). Yet, I never REALLY slimmed down. In my later years, I always tried to convince myself that I was happy being who I was, and that I wasnt really embarrassed about my weight/ physical appearance, despite often being teased or ridiculed about it. Ive finally decided to accept the fact that I have been lying to myself all of these years, and that I am indeed self conscious about being overweight.. =/ Ive been procrastinating changing since high school, often telling myself that next year would be different, and that i was going to drop the extra pounds before the next year of school. Sophomore year, I did slim down a noticeable amount thanks to my dad working me like a slave lol. After returning to Florida however, I easily packed back on the extra pounds, gaining a substantial 50-60 pounds in a couple short years. After graduating, I reached a personal high of about 260, and since then have reached another unfortunate personal high of 275.. 275!!! After seeing that number on the scale last week, I came to the harsh realization of how far Ive let myself go. I told myself that something desperately needed to change. Overall, I can say that Im tired of being overweight, Im tired of being undesirable, and Im tired of being self conscious. Simply put, IM TIRED OF BEING FAT! Im done accepting the fact that this is who Ill always be... NO MORE! Its time to step up to the plate, put in some real effort, and make a change for the better. I started doing the Insanity workout today, and boy can I say that it SERIOUSLY sucked. Had to be the longest hour of my life. Although it wasnt pleasant, I know that it is a necessary evil if I want to change. I also plan on drastically changing my diet, and eating healthier... which is also going to suck, because boy do I love a big burger with all fixings Lol. With some serious dedication, and some real devotion, I know that sticking with this is absolutely possible! Im really excited for the next few months to come, and to see how Ive managed to keep up with this commitment. I decided to broadcast this novel in efforts to hold myself to my goal. Now that its public, Im hoping that Ill look back at this and really hold myself to it. Anyways, wish me luck. Its tie to dig deeper!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 02:42:37 +0000

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