Not to be outdone eh? Hope you dont mind Crystal. LOL. What is - TopicsExpress


Not to be outdone eh? Hope you dont mind Crystal. LOL. What is a Crystalism? A foreword from the Editor Crystalism – (n.) – a phrase or passage, created by its author, Crystal Foy, often used as status update on Facebook, born with the express intention of inspiring herself and others to aspire to be more than what they are, better than what they were the day before. Inspiring to Aspire. To be fair although this is a rather broad definition, it doesn’t honestly do the word justice. The author of these little gems of verbosity began writing them as a way of shimming up her own belief system. She turned to herself, in her darkest moments, and found the inner strength to pick herself to carry on. Through many a trial and tribulation, she has learned many lessons from the school of hard knocks. In truth, she has fought in many uphill battles, in love, friendships, and had to deal with many unexpected curveballs that were flung her way. Did she bow down in defeat? Did she fall on the ropes during the 10-count. No sir! She used each of these battles to make herself stronger, more resilient. She pulled herself up hard on the ropes back to her feet, and mocked her opponents with her infinite moxy, knowing what few of us have come to realize as a hard truth. Let the opponents keep throwing their punches. Every punch thrown is a lesson. An exercise. Each battle making her that much stronger, more informed than in the one before it. She realized that she had the ability to clear her own slate, and build upon herself. She does so even to this day. She is always aware of her strengths and her own weaknesses, forever improving upon her own unique design. She began creating these little phrases for herself. Only for her mind you. Just by writing it out, she carved out affirmations that help stabilize her core foundation. Her belief is that there is still good in the world and that as the human race, it is our responsibility to strive for that greater good and stop quibbling amongst ourselves about things that are secondary and trifles. What is great about these affirmations is the fact that they were shared in the very moment they were created. Instead of hiding these truths away, they were put on display for the entire world to see and mull over. However, as I said, the initial definition does not due the word Crystalism justice. I see Crystalisms as being shards of crystal-clear truth. Some are meant to be uplifting, arriving in time as the thing you really needed to hear at that moment. Other Crystalisms give glimpses into a true moment of truth, of realization. So perhaps a better definition would be: A Crystalism is a shard of truth, draped up in a cloak of light, soaked in hope, sometimes triple dipped in sass, and always served on a plate with a heaping side of moxy. I have only made a few minor corrections in this first initial Omnibus from her original post, as I wanted to display these treasures to the world in the voice in which they were spoken, with all of their moxy intact. If there one thing I have learned, is not to mess with a woman’s moxy! It was my fondest wish to preserve these glimpses of truth that Miss Crystal has so bravely shared with all of her friends and family. I have organized the Crystalisms, not by the date of their creation, but by its theme, hopefully making it a little easier for to find that one that you desperately need to hear. That proverbial swift kick in the rear you have needed. So, keep this book on your bedside table. And in your waking hours, jump to a Crystalism. Let her words of hope empower you, perhaps even shift the way you look at and take in the world around you. Life is much more than the four walls you think yourself confined in. It is a many-splendored thing. Let these Crystalisms open your eyes to the infinite possibilities of open doors. I for one was inspired to aspire to become what I have always knew I could be. A published novelist. I just needed someone to help stoke my fire. Matt the Editor
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 01:18:55 +0000

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