Not to long ago, I conducted a test on some of my friends. The - TopicsExpress


Not to long ago, I conducted a test on some of my friends. The point of the test was to demonstrate just how difficult in the natural it can be to renew our minds from wrong thinking back to right thinking. The test worked very well on all of those who had a favorite color and were definite about it. For those who did not have a favorite color I found that changing the subject to food or a favorite place, or a favorite car, once I found a subject they had a passion for it worked for them too. Here is how the test went, I would ask them if they had a favorite color and they would reply yes, I would ask them what it was and they would tell me. Then I would ask them to close their eyes and think about it and just for a moment enjoy that color. Once they affirmed the above I asked them to think about the least favorite color, and after a moment or two they said ok, and then I would tell them to make the least favorite color their new favorite color. No one could do it not one. When they tried to change their favorite color their mind said no and they could not. The word renew means to tear down and rebuild and the process can be difficult in the natural. That is why we are to meditate on the word of God day and night, that is why we are to fast and pray, that is why we are to spend time in personal worship. That is why we take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Let me give you just one example of how this works in the real world. All of us know that God inhabits the praises of his people right? The means that every time we praise God he is living their in those praises right. With that being said if you were in the middle of worship and Jesus walked through the door would your worship change? If you said yes then that means you really dont believe that God inhabits the praises of his people because if you did believe that Christ was already there, you would say how can I step it up when he is there already. If you would have answered yes to the above, than that is a thought that needs to be taken captive to the obedience of Christ. Now we do not arrive there over night but we can get there with consistent and honest effort led by a desire to be like God who lives in us and by allowing him to empower to walk in his image.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 16:35:38 +0000

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