Not too long ago, I compiled a list of things that I was grateful - TopicsExpress


Not too long ago, I compiled a list of things that I was grateful for, and that I appreciate. Heres the list: I appreciate that I have such a great job and a good boss. I appreciate the things I’ve learned from negative situations and for tough decisions that propel me forward. I appreciate the wonderful sleep I’ve had...and for being in good health. I appreciate that I can find the benefit in everything that happens. I appreciate the synchronicity of perfect timing. I appreciate the resources I have and also extra money I’ve acquired. I appreciate all the money I have saved to help fund my next adventure. I appreciate that life is so easy. I appreciate that I am ME. I appreciate that I have the time to write this list. I appreciate the people who support and understand me. I appreciate that I can see lots of things because of the Internet. I appreciate that I can create resolutions for myself...and that others can create their own. I appreciate I can admit my mistakes and fix them. I appreciate that I am a calm and reasonable person most days. I appreciate the things I can control...and that I can accept what I can’t control and even find benefits to whatever happens. I appreciate that my friends are so patient as I have been working really long hours. I appreciate how generous my employer is and for the company car. I appreciate feeling really inspired and energized. I appreciate that I am happy inside...and that my body keeps so well when I am feeling like this. I appreciate a lovely day with friends. I appreciate the enjoyment I’m getting from working and for the balance in my life. I appreciate an understanding and generous boss. I appreciate the opportunity to do something interesting and show how valuable I am. I appreciate being alive and healthy and happy. I appreciate being able to enjoy the fabulous personalities of my pets. I appreciate the glorious weather over the last few days...and that today is a great day. I appreciate I appreciate I appreciate I appreciate socializing. I appreciate I appreciate I appreciate prosperous life. I appreciate having so much fun...and for the friends in my fu true. being able to get out and enjoy the world I live in. having learned to use this computer. the magnificent week I had with my job. having a lot of fun and enjoying getting out and the fun my family and I are having today. the balance in my life. wonderful health and a happy, abundant and I appreciate when friends offer to help when I need it. I appreciate having a reason to go for a walk and get some exercise. I appreciate the warm, sunny weather we’ve been having. I appreciate having so many things to be grateful for. I appreciate the new people in my life, as well as old friends. I appreciate the friendly people I meet at work. I appreciate my bosses patience with me learning the system. I appreciate that I have a fully functioning body and great health. I appreciate I can see what’s going on in my life...and for feeling relaxed and that everything is complete, and perfect. I appreciate the excitement I am feeling today...almost like elation! I appreciate the amazing support I am finding in my life. I appreciate the wonderful ability to be able to re-frame almost anything I hear or see to make it a benefit or a positive. I appreciate finding so much to be content with and happy about! I appreciate the dramatic increase in my finances. I appreciate the magnificent hot-water system I have that gives me hot water when I shower. I appreciate the fun I’m having. I appreciate the fun lined up for this weekend. I appreciate the expert advice from friends in my life. I appreciate the lovely weather. I appreciate the fun I’m having on the Internet. I appreciate always being able to find the best out of every situation. I appreciate that I learn really quickly and easily. I appreciate the extra work I’ve been given next week...and that I’ll have some fun doing it. I appreciate being given so much responsibility in my job. I appreciate my dad taught me about common sense. I really appreciate my long-term friendships...and or the people I’ve only known a short time, yet have developed a bond...and for the people I am still to met. I appreciate I have a good attitude about life and my experiences. I appreciate enjoying my work so much. I appreciate that technology progresses so far so quickly. I appreciate everything! I appreciate how beautiful and gentle ‘nature’ is. I appreciate the wonderful neighbors I have and for the great location I live in. I appreciate the days that I get to ‘do my own thing’ through the week. I appreciate I am so healthy and happy. I appreciate that I have such a wonderful boss and for the way she takes care of all her employees with utmost generosity. I am really grateful for having a happy life and for making the most out of every situation. I appreciate that I am getting out a lot more and being sociable... and that I can stay in and take care of myself too! I appreciate that the internet provides so many savings of time and money on buying goods. I appreciate living in such a wonderful place. I appreciate having had a long nap yesterday that has energized me. I appreciate being alive and happy today, and enjoying the cool, crisp air. I appreciate the new stuff I went out and bought today...and the excess money I have to buy things with. I appreciate that I have plans for my life and that I’m moving towards them. I appreciate I have time to myself each week. I appreciate the car I have and that it is economical and in perfect running order. I appreciate that I have days to do my own thing. I appreciatel that I enjoy my work and that I had a really successful day today. I appreciate the natural friendships that I make along the way. I appreciate the problems I have with others as they help me see where I need to improve. I appreciate being good at what do. I appreciate that money just comes to me without having to think about it. I appreciate I have my life setup so well that things that I want happen easily for me. I appreciate being healthy and happy. I appreciate the mistakes I made that got me to where I am. I appreciate that I wake up each day with excitement and joy and that my home is peaceful. I appreciate being able to relax on my days off and do whatever I please. I appreciate the influential people I know and for the good friends I have made. I appreciate the surprises that come to me. I appreciate that my body is working to build up my resistance... and that I feel healthy even though things are changing inside me. I appreciate that I am so happy. I am really grateful that it is cool in the shop and that I can still enjoy the things I’m doing. I appreciate that I live here and that my house has everything I need. I appreciate that I have some new clothes to wear as I needed them. I appreciate the comfortable clothes I have to wear now. I appreciate my happy life. I appreciate the fabulous opportunities that keep coming my way. I appreciate the great days I am having. I appreciate that I am doing so well in life. I appreciate I have plenty of excess money to put away for something special. I appreciate that I am aware of my passion and that I am making my way toward the dream. I appreciate being aware of what I want, and how I work the best. I appreciate all the people who support and love me. I appreciate I have such an understanding and accepting family. I appreciate that I am ME! I appreciate; that I am thoughtful and not reactive when things happen that I’m not really expecting. I appreciate the rain filling up my rain barrel. I appreciate I am having so much fun! I appreciate I have someone to love...and that they love me too. I appreciate to be alive and happy with my life. I appreciate the excess money that keeps coming to me without even thinking about it. I appreciate 2 beautiful children. I appreciate my health I appreciate being able to give massages and make people feel better. I appreciate my beautiful surroundings, quiet and serene. I appreciate that I have so much to do that keeps me entertained, busy and making money. I appreciate the love in my life...and that I am relaxed about the future. I appreciate the way my life is turning out...and that I am able to relax and enjoy the things I am doing more than ever before. I appreciate happy days at work and terrific customers. I appreciate being able to help so many people during my day... and that I can help myself the rest of the time. I appreciate that I have such lovely people around me. I appreciate the respectful way I am treated in the community. I appreciate that I feel so much better after having a good nap when I got home today. I appreciate that I have support from a mentor to help me when I need it. I appreciate that EVERYTHING in my life is working perfectly...and I can almost always see the benefits instantly. I appreciate that things are happening in perfect timing and I can be relaxed about it. I appreciate being healthy I appreciate that I have a loving and supportive family. I always love it when I get reminded to consciously write my grateful lists. I appreciate that the slight disappointment I had today has been replaced with a feeling of “It was meant to be, and something better will show up in its place!” I appreciate the ease I feel. I appreciate that I feel so comfortable and confident talking with people. I appreciate the commitment I’ve made to myself to take better care of ME. I appreciate my terrific family. I appreciate that the weather is warmer which makes it much more comfortable in my home. I appreciate I woke up healthy this morning. I appreciate I can deal better with my pain. I appreciate that everyday that passes it becomes this tiny bit easier to deal with. I appreciate that I am feeling relaxed...and that I can measure how I feel by noticing some of the people around me and how they feel. I appreciate that things are happening in a nice way in my life. I appreciate the peace I feel about my life. I appreciate that I am happy and comfortable where I live. I appreciate that I am healthy. I appreciate the delicious food I cooked for dinner. I appreciate the incredibly useful information I am being given. I appreciate that I can accept something that doesn’t go exactly as I had planned. I appreciate that there is always another opportunity. I appreciate that crying makes me feel better. I appreciate that I was so relaxed when things didn’t go as I expected again today – but that it gave me even more opportunity to enjoy my time instead of rushing trying to get things done. I appreciate I am really relaxed even though I am the busiest I have ever been. I appreciate that my challenges are small ones. I appreciate that I can take today off to relax, because even having fun takes energy. I appreciate my computer. I appreciate that my work is so much fun. I appreciate the beautiful weather we’re having and that my house is nice and cool. I appreciate that I can allow the universe to sort out how I will get to where I intend to go. I appreciate that some things are really easy for me. I appreciate that I can work at something I love to do and unleash my creative side at the same time. I appreciate that a new day has started. I appreciate the chance to learn new things everyday. I appreciate having so many opportunities keep opening up for me. I appreciate the healthy soup I made yesterday and that I was able to enjoy the left-overs for lunch. I appreciate being able to work inside as it’s raining outside today – and I’m incredibly grateful for the rain to water the garden. I appreciate that I can do as I please each day. I’m really grateful that my garden is looking fresh and new. I appreciate that I have everything I need. I appreciate the new people I’m meeting. I appreciate that things work in nature for my benefit. I appreciate that I have Spirit Guides to help me on my spiritual path. I appreciate the bees that pollenate the plants that form fruits and vegetables to feed me. I appreciate the birds and their songs. I appreciate the clean water that I have to drink. I appreciate the storms that come through to water my garden. I appreciate the flowers that grow to cheer me up. I appreciate the elders and their wisdom, and the fact that they pass that wisdom on to us who follow in their footsteps. I appreciate my mistakes, because they provide an opportunity for me to learn. I appreciate the air that I breathe. And the list could go on. So what are YOU grateful for?
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 00:12:12 +0000

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