Not understanding what Jesus accomplished for us at the Cross puts - TopicsExpress


Not understanding what Jesus accomplished for us at the Cross puts us at a disadvantage that keeps us struggling, bickering, discontent, full of confusion and chaos...while having a form of godliness but denying the power there of...we are not fighting for victory....we are fighting from victory Christ has won the battle for us...we cant use Old Testament war strategies to fight a completed work...the only strategy that will work is our faith in the Finished Work Of Christ...yes it sounds simple and maybe even puts us at an even, greater disadvantage if we are insecure and using these strategies to make us feel powerful and useful. But if you set your heart like flint to believe God above everything we see and feel in the natural...YOU ARE IN A BATTLE....because staying in faith against all odds is truly a war. We must learn to fight the good fight of faith...keeping our eyes on Jesus for He is the Author, the Sustainer and Finisher of our faith. So we must learn to rest in His completed work because in it He has provided us everything we need that pertains to life and godliness and provided us with an inheritance that is more than enough...I feel an Ephesian 3:20 blessings coming our way in Jesus matchless and mighty name receive it. Have a blessed day in His love, grace and mercy!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 12:53:05 +0000

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