Note: Kids (not all of course, but there are many) are attracted - TopicsExpress


Note: Kids (not all of course, but there are many) are attracted to darkness, ...(witnessing 14-18 year olds soak in The Wolf Of Wall Street. ...and loving it.) ...Gives insight as to what needs to be prayed over, and pursued. ...also. doesnt help when those older, (that they deem as sway to partake in such viewing activity) like it themselves. Most are not even aware, and remain prideful in their own thinking, nor have regard for anything but their own desires... truth is what they decide... is what tickles their fantasies, ..what tastes the world has and is giving them. truly is a work of God, that men, women, and children, see the brokenness they partake in. Its all for fun. Its not a big deal. Its life. get over it, or get out of my way, while I take another step towards these things. This is an observation. Perhaps a heart cry. To see, and to understand. This isnt a game. Its not funny. And the kids laughing, have no clue. They have no clue. They dont have a clue. As to what is going on, nor what they are doing. So. If you dont move in the small. You wont. And they will. If you dont speak. They will fill the room. And continue. Thats the nature of this world. Let me. Or stop me. Thank God we have so much more in Christ. Thank God we are not bound by the indecency we host within ourselves. Thank God there is more to life, than what we think. Than what we deem. Thank God we are not our own masters. Cuz if we were. Man the awful things we would see in this world. And we do. Some see it. Many dont. Yet, blame this or that, even the One who already knows it. Sounds a lot like the enemy of God. A spirit that dwells within a 14 year old, or a highly successful sitting on their throne something year old. Its not about age. Its about the heart. Its about what one has experienced. And what one has not. One could have seen all there is to see, have tasted all of the world there is to taste, been higher than high, and lower than low, and still yet, no have experienced the deliverance and love of Christ Jesus. This is why we pray. This why we fight. FOR these beloved ones, who are truly no different than those who have experienced the life changing mind freeing love of God. And its never failing. Because its driven by a source that is not of this worlds source. Its driven by Love. Love Himself. So those who see. Stand up. Turn on the light. And let it be known. Speak the word. And be bold. Speak through Gods Holy Spirit, and release all that you have to. Those around you are worth it. Their minds and hearts are worth it all. The Son of Gods life. Speak Christ.* ...note.. spirits and principalities IN people, reject God, mock God, and will oppose God, IN you, its not people, nor flesh that wars... its the unseen spirit and Spirit that wars. Whose do you host. Whose do you invite. Whose is using you. Gods? Or the one of this worlds? Its not that hard to figure out. This doesnt necessitate a degree. Its a question we must all face, and answer. When its all said and done. Was my life mostly used to serve a spirit(s) that disowns Christ, and works against Him. Or a life that served Jesus, and saved many from destruction, no matter how big or small, we may deem it to be. Im looking for a well done.. when its time for me. How about you?
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 02:46:34 +0000

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