Note: My new book - The Big 3 has just gone live. As the name - TopicsExpress


Note: My new book - The Big 3 has just gone live. As the name suggests - its all about getting your biggest Squat, Bench and Deadlift ever! Click here to learn more **************** In recent years squat numbers in powerlifting have gone through the roof. This is partly due to squat suits. Some lifters can get 300lbs out of a squat suit if they know how to use it! But most powerlifters dont use squat suits. And other non-powerlifter strength enthusiasts and athletes certainly dont use squat suits when training their squat. So the big question is: How do you increase your raw squat? Well call a raw squat no equipment, or belt only or belt and knee wraps. Briefs and squat suits - thats EQUIPPED not raw. ------------------------------------------------------- 5 Ways To Increase Your Your Raw Squat... ------------------------------------------------------- 1. Master your technique Mastery of squat technique leads to STRONGER, safer squats. If you arent a master of the squat from a technical perspective - working on your technique would be the FASTEST and best way to increase your squat. 2. Use A High Volume Moderate Intensity Program The legs can take a lot of VOLUME. This means you can do A LOT of squats without burning yourself out. Provided you use moderate intensity most of the time. Moderate intensity being 70-85% of your 1RM. Try squatting 3 times a week, using 70%-85% of your 1RM for multiple sets of 3-5 reps. Youll blow up your squats. Over time, gradually increase the volume and the weights. 3. Use A Powerlifting Style Squat If you want to shift the most weight possible on your squat - the powerlifting style squat is where the party is at. Use a slightly wider than shoulder width stance. Sit way back on the descent, keeping your shins close to vertical and allow your torso to lean over. This engages the glutes and hamstrings to maximum effect. The biggest, strongest muscles in the body. 4. Use Limited Assistance Exercises Ive always said that if you want a BIG squat - you have to SQUAT. Its pretty simple. That said, a few carefully selected assistance exercises can help. My preference are Leg Presses, Calf Raises, Kettlebell Swings and heavy ab work (Planks and Leg Raises) 5. Get The Bar Off Your Back When Necessary Whilst a ton of volume can really drive your squat up, it can also burn you out in the long run. Every year, have at least 2 weeks where you get the bar off your back. And honestly, I have more squat free weeks than that. Keeps me fresh. Of course, my new book The Big 3 shows you in detail how to squat POWERLIFTING style. And it also shows you how to program your squats
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 07:34:23 +0000

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