Note> Okay, so Ive been hounding my boys for some sort of teaser, - TopicsExpress


Note> Okay, so Ive been hounding my boys for some sort of teaser, even going so far as to stalk them with pen and pad at every corner, yeah looking in Windows and catching them with their pants down hasnt really been winning me any points, Ive even had to involve Sikus help to freeze their paths as the flea from me, yet they keep avoiding me, so because Ive been so flustered Sik had offered to share a little, now keep in mind that just because I am considered the heroin not all of this is true, I have to get creative because otherwise it would be boring, but their are things that are true real life things I have gone through, the only thing I base of myself for the female character is eye color, personality and my friendships. Siku has agreed to this saying anything more and hed never let me write it. (Possessive as hell I know but whatever, and their will be a twist to this character) Teaser< After a days of camping, traveling by foot and avoiding as many conflicts as they could Siku finally called for a stop. This is the place. He said as he moved closer to a two thousand foot high rock clog that only a week ago they had been standing on top of. He ran his gauntlet covered hands over the rocks as if searching for something, after a few minutes he sighed and drew his long Dragon sword, the blade was still as beautiful as any other time shed seen it, covered in Ice as snow fell from the blade only to evaporator before they fell to the ground. Before she could ask he shoved the blade into the rock wall an uttered something in an odd language. Was that supposed to do something? Kyzie asked after a long moment of nothing. He didnt reply as the wall suddenly grumbled, shaking the ground under their feet. With a soft sigh the wall began to part, until it was wide open and what was on the other side made her eyes bulge, how the hell? A pure white winter Wonderland lay beyond the wall, snow drifting lazily from clear blue skys. So pretty. . . She whispered as she walked in, looking around in a daze. Suddenly Sikus hand wrapped around her arm, startling her, she looked back at him annoyed. Dont go wandering around in a daze like that idiot, or youll find yourself in a ocean far below fifty below. He had his eyes closed as he spoke to her as if she was a child. Irked she wanted to yank her arm away, looking forward she intended to do just that, until she saw that he feet were at the edge of a cliff so high her gut slapped her gut. With a yelp he jumped away from the cliff and into Siku, shaking she wrapped herself around him. Opening his hooded eyes he stood there for a moment. Get off of me. He said coldly. She shook her head. With a sigh he peeled her off of him after thirty minutes of fighting her. Your such an evil person. She said, her arms crossed under her breasts as she simmered, shed been scared and he hadnt cared, but who would expect anything more form a snow man? He said nothing as they continued on their way, he seemed more at home here. The sun was staring the set when Kyzie finally couldnt take it anymore, she was freezing cold and exhausted. Hey, Frosty can we please stop, Im tired, hungry and cold. She begged. Dont call me that. He said nonchalantly. You can eat and rest when we get their. I dont know where this place is but I cant always more. She was to tired and to cold to be mad at him.w While he was made of ice she was flesh and blood human, you know they type that can get frost bite. She sat down on a broken snow covered branch. Turning Siku glared at her, they were only a few hours away it was no time to be resting. Walking over to yank her up and keep her moving, he hesitated as he saw her shivering and how blue her lips had become, her brown eyes were droopy from exhaustion. They really did need to keep moving, it was to dangerous to be out here over night, even for him. He clenched his fists in anger, if he had his full power he would have taken to his Dragon form and flew them there. Instead he stood in front of her, turned and knelt down. Come on, we cant stay here. Ill carry you the rest of the way. He didnt want her that close, but it couldnt be helped. Hed just have to bare the pain. Oddly without complaint she climbed onto his back, wrapped her arm around his neck and remained silent. As he stood and continued to walk on, he wished she would talk to him like she usually did, not caring that he remains silent. He enjoyed her voice, and didnt like interrupting her unless he felt it necessary. He heard her sigh as her breathing deepened and her breath became shallow. Looking as her over his shoulder he smiled as she slept on his back, her warm thighs and rear resting snugly in his arms. He also liked her like this as well, so peaceful and safe. He had the intense urge to press his forehead to hers then kiss her, but she wouldnt welcome it. It took him half the time to get to then large palace that had been constructed from a large glacier. He was finally home, he wondered what kind of greeting hed receive from his servants, normally the elements only really employed their children as servants, but as he had only one child he employed others creatures to serve him. Approaching the gates two huge blue trolls halted him, their giant spears blocking the path. You can not proceeds any further, only higher born nobles are allowed into the palace. Leave now or die here and now. Siku was taken aback, he was being denied entrenched into his own castle, and what law was that, he never would have passed such a thing. And who pray tell has passed such a law as this? Siku asked his anger mounting. The trolls looked at each other confused. Lord Vincent. Do you dare question him? The shorter of the two asked aiming his spear head at an unflinching Siku. And if is said I was? He growled. Then Ill kill you and present your head to his lordship myself. Such talk is not to be tolerated. The trolls both aimed their spear heads at him. Nodding Siku very gently lowered Kyzie to the ground, careful not wake her before he faced to trolls again, his eyes brightened as he released what power he had which was still more then any creature here. Harsh winter winds spiraled him as snow began to form and create his armor, the ice covered steel heavy and the long curving steel horns on his helmet intently forming ice icicles from them. He drew his sword, is pulsed before is turned a very beautiful blue, his large white Dragon wings slowly unfolded from his back, they spread wide, stretching before folding lazily behind him. The wind blew his white hair softly over the forehead piece of his helm and around the horns making him look as if they had sprouted from his head. So whos first? He asked from under the face guard, the only think showing was his bright blue green eyes from the darkness of his helm, making is look like the eyes of the helm were glowing and alive. The trolls backed away their spears falling from their hands. F-forgive us Ice King, we dis not know it was you. One suddenly pleaded as the other shook his head before they dropped to their knees. Pathetic morons. You dare treat any of my people like you just did me? I never allowed my guards turn away people. This is as much the peoples palace as it is mine, they have a right to visit it. W-we was only following orders majesty, orders from Lord Vincent. The dumb one muttered. His teeth clenched. That boy. He was disgusted. Open the gates and move aside. He turned as he sheathed his sword across his back before he picked Kyzie up into his arms, she was colder them before. Do you us to take her for you majesty? The trolls asked after the gate was open. Dont touch her. He snapped without thinking as her walked though the gates his anger making his cold fair cheeks grow pink. The front door opened to see a man he knew well. My Lord, youve returned! He exclaimed happily, this man was strictly loyal to Siku, his black hair slicked back as an eye patch covered his left eye. And not to very good conditions I looks like. He said heartedly. I apologize sir. Who is this my Lord? Ash asked curiously. Hed never seen his master carrying a lower born women as if they were man and wife. Kyzie. Shell be our guest for a while, make her at home here. He stated as he carefully passes the girl over. Very well, shall I have her placed in the sea room? He asked. Siku shook his head. No, shell be sharing my chambers for her stay here. He wasnt about to let her get distance. Ash looked taken aback with shock. Is that appropriate? She is after all a human, and lowly born by the looks. He questioned. Its not your place to question me. And shes not lowly born, I believe with women is the Fire King. Now go and make sure she gets warm before I join her. He couldnt help but run his hand over her hair. Ashes eyes widened at the news. Yes my Lord. By the way where is he? Siku asked. In his chamber I suspect, drunk and up the a maides skirt. Ask answered know who his master was asking for. Of course he is, he started away. And Ash, keep that Fire King business to yourself yeah? He asked. Of course majesty. Ash left to care for Kyzie. Siku made his way to where he knew hed be. It looked like it was time to put his pup in his place. That Vincent, how could he have had such an ungrateful child as him? What had his people suffered while he was away?
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 07:56:48 +0000

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