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*Note: PLease b4 u like, READ!!! Then feel free to share it, copy it, pass it on... For its so true and so real. This is for everyone, and its a MUST read and a MUST pass on. Spread the word!!! And lets stop repeating the mistakes of the past and start LEARNing. Peace!!! “Learn!!!” {Mini-Recall Of INJUSTICES….} *Former President Nixon and his partners in crime were responsible for the murders of hundreds of Third World Brothers and Sisters in Vietnam, Cambodia, Mozambique, Angola, as well South Africa. As was proved though Watergate, that top law enforcement officials in this country are nothing more than a lying bunch of bonafide criminals !!!(The president. 2 attorney generals, the head of the F.B.I., the head of the C.I.A., as well a greater percentage of the white house staff have been implicated in these crimes titled as Watergate.) *Atlantic Slave Trade(16th through 19th Century…) where an estimation of over 12 million black people were subjected to trade into slavery. *Note: That 12 million is considerably higher, when referring to the number of those purchased by so-called traders. *The several hundred, unarmed black men, women and children murdered. Or thousands wounded in the riots provoked during the sixties. *Attica!!!(9/9/71-9/13/71) where 29 prisoners as well 10 hostages were murdered… * Over 30 Unarmed students in Jackson State murdered, or wounded by those so-called rulers of this country who consider their property more important than human lives. *16 year old, Rita Lloyd shot in the back… *Oklahoma City Bombing(4/19/95), resulting in the death of more than 168 people. *The unforgettable Sept. 11th, 2001, which the death tally can only be estimated, which last estimation was over three-thousand… *Native Indians, who countless were murdered in pursuit of protecting their land, from you know who( Hmmmmm? ) *Timothy Russell and his passenger killed in Cleveland, in 2012 December. After police officers fired over 137 rounds into their car, after a car chase. Police claim they saw a possible weapon, but no weapon or shell casing were found in the fleeing car, nor along the chase route. *James Brissette & Ronald Madison(2005)--- In the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, 5 officers opened fire on an unarmed family on the East side of the Danzinger Bridge, killing 17 year old James Brissette, and wounding four others. Next, officers shot at brothers Lance and Ronald Madison. Ronald, a 40 yr. old with severe mental disabilities, was running away when he was hit, and an officer stomped on and kicked him before he died. *Philadelphia MOVE Bombing(5/13/85), where city police used stunning force after a long standoff. Eventually dropping a bomb on the headquarters of what they(Devils) claim to be a radical group, called, “MOVE” Such a bombing left not one, but 11 people dead—five of which were children. *The creators of that diabolical system called, ”Racism” and the perpetrators of such. The same system responsible for the oppression and annihilation of Black and Third World people. *And the list goes on; Martin Luther King Jr., Allah the Father(Father Allah), Emmett Till, Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, George Jackson, Jonathan Jackson, Nat Turner, James Chaney, 11 year old Rickie Bodden, 10 year old Clifford Glover, James Byrd, John F. Kennedy, Eleanor Bumpers, Assata Shakur(Whom is still alive, and not because of anything the enemy did, because if they got their way, she not only would be dead, thus she would’ve been dead!!! For surely they(Devils) tried… ), Born Allah(Another Survivor, no thanks to those doers of evil(Devils)), Ramarley Graham(18(2012)N.Y)) , Darius Simmons, Jordan Davis, Yusef Hawkins, Twanya Brawley, Abnerlouima, Amadou Diallo(23(1999)), Katherine Johnston(92(11/21/06(Atl.)), Tyesha Miller, Oscar Grant(23(Cali(12/31/09)), Travares McGill(16(Florida(2005)), Wendell Allen(20(New Orleans(3/7/12)), Alonzo Ashley(29(Denver(2011)), Steve Eugene Washington(27(Los Angeles(2010)), Kimani Gray(16(3/9/2013(N.Y.)), Kendree McDade(19(March, 2012(Cali)), Ervin Jefferson(18(3/24/2012(Atl.)), Patrick Dorismond(28(2000)), Ousmane Zongo(43(N.Y.(2003)), Timothy Stansbury Jr.(19(2004(Bk., N.Y.)), Sean Bell(23(2006(N.Y.)), Orlando Barlow(28(2003(Las Vegas)), Aaron Campbell(25(2005(Oregon)), Victor Steen(17(2008(Florida)), Brian Willis(1999) Fort Worth Texas he was in his late 30’, Trayvon Martin(17(Sanford, Fl.)2/26/2012)), Jon Ferrell(24(N.C.(9/16/13)), Alan Blueford(18(Cali(5/6/12)), Chavis Carter(21(Arkanasas(7/29/12)), Eric Garner(43(N.Y(7/17/14)), Ezell Ford(25(Cali(8/20/14)), Ramarley Graham(18(N.Y.(2/2/12)), Dane Scott(18(Oklahoma(5/14/12)), Phillip Pannell(16(N.J.(4/10/90)), Wendell Allen(20(New Orleans(3/7/12)), Gus Rugley(21(Cali(6/29/04)), John Crawford(22(Ohio(8/4-5/14)), Jonny Gammage(30(Pennsylvania(10/12/95)), Derrick Williams(22(Wisconsin(7/2011)), Armand Bennett(26(Jacksonville(11/20/14)), Gary King(20(Cali(9/20/07)), Derrick Jones(37(Cali(11/9/10)), Rodney Brown(20(Cali)1/22/11)), Rafael Santiago(New York(3/15/07)), Eric Scott(38(Nevada(7/10/10)), and despite the shame and embarrassment, the list goes on and on...… [*Note: Anyone desiring to add on to this M.R.I.( Mini-Recall Of INJUSTICES here in Amerikkka, or due to Amerikkka,) Feel free to submit – Name & age of victim, Place of incident, time of incident, along with a brief description of INJUSTICE subjected upon VICTIM, to alatik@yahoo/ Face*book Latik Allahlatik…] What you just acknowledged is not just a peep into the diabolical history of INJUSTICE either the U.S.A.(United Snakes of Amerikkka) was responsible for, or in the U.S.A. Such an M.R.I. is less than 5 minutes of searching and recalling, so imagine what 24 hours(1,440 minutes)could/would render(?). My purpose in reflecting and recalling such is not so much to give you a history lesson. But rather a LESSON. For it’s been said, shown and proved, that; “He/she who LEARNS not from HISTORY, is DOOMED to repeat it…”(True? or Not?) So what does that say about, or for those who knowledge history, as well LEARN from history? Would it be incorrect? Or correct? To say, ”He/she who learns from history is NO LONGER DOOMED to repeat it…(?) Hmmmmmm? Which is the premises upon which and why I felt compel to create this degree of knowledge. For I means NO or disrespect to the Trayvon Martin JUSTICE advocators, nor to you my Brother Trayvon Martin, or your grieving family. I acknowledge and sympathize Trayvon Martin as I do ALL countless others, before and after, who were subjected to any form, or forms of INJUSTICES. Regardless to whom or what, when or where, how or why, A INJUSTICE ANYWHERE is a threat to JUSTICE EVERYWHERE!!!(Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.) The over 14 incidents, as well over 50 names I recalled in the beginning of this lesson(My M.R.I.), is nothing in comparison to the INJUSTICES done to so many in the U.S.A., or places under the U.S.A. jurisdiction. Ever since the conception and expression of those Doers of Evil(Devils!) INJUSTICE has been one of the deeds perpetuated daily by such diabolical and evil doers. And will continue until WE as a PEOPLE WAKE-UP!!!, REALIZE!!!, KNOWLEDGE!!! And LEARN!!! KNOW as UNDERSTAND, I am not here to incite, nor suggest to riot, kill, or anything of such nature. Rather, and nothing more than open any and all eyes to another alternative; “LEARN!!!” Once you have learnt, then what you DO, as well what you DO NOT, is on YOU! And solely YOU!!! It’s evident, as well as obvious, that what we have done in the past, has not been INJUSTICES terminating, nor deceasing---Increasing if anything!!! penalizing more than ever!!! To be honest with you, you can expect nothing more, and shall get more PENALIZING!!!, and more PENALIZING!!! Especially as long as we continue to do what we have always been doing, as well what those before us were doing, and did. As once made manifest, “If you do what you always did, you will always get what you always gotten.” Or as the Queen, and my beloved sister once stated on FaceBook, “If you allow it, it will continue. As well, if it continues , it’s because YOU!!! Allowed it.” For centuries we have marched, rallied, non-violently protested, shouted(No Justice! No Peace!), sang(“We shall overcome…”), rioted, looted, etc…---verifications of what I am referring to, we haven’t learnt, and we are not learning. The time is beyond at hand, for we MUST IMMEDIATELY do less of what we use to do, and still do, and ASAP LEARN!!! LEARN!!! LEARN!!! The INJUSTICES didn’t just begun, nor will it just end by doing what we’ve daily do. Trayvon was not the first, nor will he be the last!!! He, and so many others are just one of millions of unfortunate victims of these DEVILS!!!(Doers of Evil!). Know and understand the FUNERALS, the MEMORIALS, the MOMENT OF SILENCES, the ENDLESS INJUSTICES, HAVE NOT and WILL NOT CEASE until we CEASE with the not LEARNING, and INCREASE with the LEARNING. BEWARE of the not learning, or lack of such, for its just why such happens still and will continue to happen. So many fail to learn as few Learn. So the atrocities of INJUSTICES continue and will continue to continue. And it will get even worse, for these Doers of Evil(Devils!) have no fear of anything more than some shouts, songs, marches, and maybe a riot or two, of course in our communities, destroying our own, a little looting. Not realizing that each time we do such, we are giving the enemy the opportunity and justification to do a few others, and incarcerate some more. It has been said, and established, “Life is short!!!”, and be you know it or not, be you agree or disagree, and JUST GOT SHORTER!!! These Devils know their time is at hand, as well they can only do such because we allow them to. They thrive off our fear, and capitalize on our ignorance. Without the two(1. Fear, 2. Ignorance..)they would be greatly unsuccessful. This is why the Devil strives to keep the fear alive, and the ignorance a bliss. They are basically doing what they suppose to do. Now it’s our turn to do what we suppose to do!!! Do what we MUST!!!(LEARN!!!) For until we do, TRAYVON MARTIN will just be another INJUSTICE> Just like the countless before Trayvon, there will be many afterwards. If you’re waiting on an individual( i.e. a man, a woman, Pastor, President, etc…) to bring you JUSTICE, you will be wasting your time, for JUSTICE lies within 3 things; 1. YOU!, 2. LEARNING!! And SACRIFICING!!! – There is NO victory without SACRIFICE… In my closure, allow me to suggest; In ALL you may, or may not get, DO NOT GET MAD!!! DON’T try to remember the history shared verbatim. DON’T let your emotions supersede your intelligences. DON’T REPEAT HISTORY!!! Instead, LEARN! LEARN!! LEARN!!! Until you, or anyone else learns, YOU ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT SUCH HISTORY, as we have, and will continue. No disrespect, nor incivility to these victims of INJUSTICE- NEVER THAT!!! Thus, when will we stop the killers, and their killings, and start LEARNING?!?! Those VICTIMS I made reference to(M.R.I.), as well the countless and endless millions I mentioned not, can be more than memories. Instead, let them be the lessons we LEARN from, PASS on, Never forget, and NEVER REPEAT!!! For all you who didn’t know, Trayvon Martin was murdered on February 26st, 2012, and before him there were millions murdered, and since his murder others have been murdered. As well unjustly done, and more will as long as we refuse, or lack to LEARN. So with ALL we have, and ALL our powers, LET’S STOP THE INJUSTICES, AND START LEARNING!!! PEACE!!! This build is made manifest by Latik(4042715011) and I welcome any and all builds. So feel free to hmu, for I with and for the cause, not because. *Amendment: Allow me to add, Rodrigo Diaz(22 yrs( 1/26/13)), Eric Garner( 43(N.Y.(7/17/14)), Tamir Rice(12(Cleveland 11/22/14)), Levar E. Jones(9/25/14), Bobby Canipe(70 yrs(2/26/14)) as well Michael Brown (18 yrs(8/8/14)) and so many more that were subjected to the injustice of another, of a system which is more unjust than just. My questions to you all is, “Have you Learned?”, “When will you Learn”, “Will you ever Learn?”…
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 23:15:56 +0000

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