Note: Very important. Dear supporters read below official - TopicsExpress


Note: Very important. Dear supporters read below official translated statement by the Prishtina Municipality on 21 of august 2014. I have no word to express my shock and sadness and fear for this statement. It is not about the dogs anymore this is simply abnormal. 1. This statement is official and contain lies such: dogs were released they had no professional treatment etc. No dogs were released and we will develop a big action to count them photograph them and show to the world. Please any of you who know about our work witness for truth, this is very important for Kosovar society. 2. Totally o posit what Mayor has said in the public debate so many people witnessed debate and they can confirm this what Mr Ahmeti said and his approach. 3. This statement show that officials are not coordinated and somebody did this on its own or this is real intention of Pristine Municipality to euthanize all dogs. 4. Tone of this statement is schizophrenic and scary it is overture to massive euthanasia. 5. Where does all this hate come from it is really difficult to explain. 6. If this statement is known to Mayor than this is really serious situation for Kosovar society, i personally dont believe that Mr Ahmeti know about this statement because he was so promising in the public debate. 7. If Capitol of new country is lead be people like this one who did this statement than we are dealing with very dangerous group of people, i personally dont want to believe that Mayor Ahmeti has anything to do with this statement, i invite all participants of public debate to witness. Mentor Gashi. Statement. Prishtina Municipality in frame of its operations to serve citizens has company that treat street dogs in whole territory of Municipality which functions as part of Directory of Public Services. 1500 dogs were treated so far by this organization. According to legal procedure street dogs are being captured, treated, sterilized, castrated due to control of their population, socialized in new environment and if determined that they can be released they are sent back to the same place where they were taken. In cases when dogs are sick and shows a sign of aggressiveness euthanasia is not excluded. This is way how street dogs are treated , since elimination is forbidden. Same time we inform you that in last meeting of Municipal assembly hearing was held regarding street dogs issue. Municipal assembly has take decision to form special commission for to treat this issue In territory of Prishtine there are shelters on voluntary basis, which don’t have official history and gathered dogs on these shelters cannot be proven that they are coming from this territory and there is no official proof that they were treated, in meantime number of street dogs increases in uncontrollable way. Recently released by the foster families in financial inability to keep the dogs, represent danger. These dogs were held in closed environments and it is difficult to socialize them because they were not treated professionally , show sign of aggressiveness it represent public danger because voluntary work can be turned to a permanent danger for human life. Prishtina Municipality remains dedicated for safety of its citizens which is priority, therefore very soon all measures will be undertaken by comity especially formed for this case.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 03:19:29 +0000

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