Note from mom: We get a LOT of advice from people regarding - TopicsExpress


Note from mom: We get a LOT of advice from people regarding Reeds physical state, pain, and quality of life. We are very protective over our Reed. We want to be honest about the ups and down of a special needs dog. We would not trade him for the world. Its a lot of work, but he is worth it. We want to encourage people who go through the same with their dogs. We want to educate people on the special dogs out there that need someone. Let me assure you, Reeds quality of life is still good. He has bad days. There are days he cant walk. BUT he is still happy. He lives a happy life, full of toys, treatment, pain management, treats, best friends and LOTS of love. Reed wasnt born with these issues. He has hip dysplasia in his only remaining back hip. His front shoulders hyperextend, causing damage to those tendons holding his shoulders in socket. He has back pain, skin issues, etc. Yes, he has to use a wheelchair. BUT these all stem from what someone did to him. Someone cut off half of his leg. Someone abused him. Some backyard breeder over bred and inbred his line leaving them all with skin issues, heart murmurs, etc. Our promise was and is to keep Reed happy, and undo all we can that these monsters did to him. And we will keep that promise. So, no more suggestions on what YOU think would work, on how you would handle it, or to euthanize. You will be banned from the page. We know our boy. He would tell us if it were time. Hes only 2 and has a long life to live. And we will give him every amazing opportunity that we can. Its not always pretty, and its downright hard some days. But we want others to see that they arent alone! We want to show people that it IS doable to adopt a special needs dog. Thanks to everyone who sends him so much love and support every day. You keep us going strong ❤️
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 17:58:08 +0000

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