Note on 10/24/11 (yes eleven), the discussion about sending - TopicsExpress


Note on 10/24/11 (yes eleven), the discussion about sending contaminated fish to third world countries. https://youtube/watch?v=-JYM8... titled Fukushima Scary Movie 10/24/11 . Oddly enough, nearly 3 years ago to the DATE, I was going to try to insert these clips into todays update, but technical computer crashes prevented me from informing you of this past history today, so thats why I dropped you the link. Oh well... after all, It is all about YOUR journey ~~~ TEPCO Taking off Reactor Cover off of Reactor One The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has begun preparations to remove the cover from a damaged reactor building. Once its off, workers can start taking out contaminated debris and spent nuclear fuel. Its an important step in decommissioning the plant. But people who farm nearby are worried. NHK WORLDs Noriko Okada reports. ~~~ NUCLEAR WATCH Oct. 22, 2014 Fishing in Fukushima Fishermen in Fukushima are feeling the effects of the process of decommissioning the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Theyve been forced to change the way they work. And there are still restrictions on what they can catch. In this edition of Nuclear Watch, NHK WORLDs Daisuke Kamikubo looks at how fishermen are trying to rebuild their industry. ~~~ Scrapping reactors could take 40 years Oct. 22, 2014 The government and the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant say scrapping its 4 reactors would take 30 to 40 years. Decommissioning work has progressed furthest at the No.4 reactor, which was offline for regular checks when the disaster hit in 2011. Nearly 90 percent of the fuel rods stored in its spent fuel pool have been removed. The work is to end this year. Removal of fuel units from the pool at the No.3 reactor building is to begin in fiscal 2015, and work at the No.1 and 2 buildings in fiscal 2017. Radiation levels remain extremely high in the No.2 building. Officials say theyve yet to make a specific schedule for fuel rod removal there. Awaiting workers further ahead is the extremely difficult job of removing melted fuel from the No.1 to No.3 reactors. The operation schedule says such work will start at the No.1 and 2 reactors in fiscal 2020, and at the No.3 in fiscal 2021. But workers still do not know where or in what state the fuel lies as a result of the meltdowns at the 3 reactors. ~~~ Evacuees call on TEPCO to accept settlement plans Oct. 22, 2014 Evacuees from the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident have urged the operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi plant to swiftly accept a state arbitration bodys compensation proposals. About 50 people, including evacuees who have filed for arbitration, gathered at a Diet building in Tokyo on Wednesday to press their requests. The Center for Settlement of Fukushima Nuclear Damage Claims made proposals this year to settle claims filed by groups of residents of Namie Town and Iitate Village, both in Fukushima Prefecture. But Tokyo Electric Power Company has rejected the proposals, saying blanket compensation without consideration for individual circumstances would not ensure equality. Participants said they want a quick settlement as they have been forced to live away from their communities or family members for more than 3 years in the wake of the disaster. A 67-year-old resident from Namie said evacuees suffered a variety of losses. He said compensation for their mental damage is far from sufficient and that the firm should honor the evacuees claims. Their lawyers said they will ask the government for a legal revision to oblige the utility to accept the arbitration centers proposals. ~~~ More public briefings on Sendai nuclear plant (I have a lot of archived videos posted on MsMilkytheclown about this plant, too, and also the restart of Kashiwazaki-kariwa) Oct. 22, 2014 The local government hosting the Sendai nuclear power plant in southern Japan will hold an additional briefing for residents. It will mainly be about evacuation plans in the event of a nuclear accident. Kagoshima Prefecture has already held sessions on safety measures by the plant operator, Kyushu Electric Power Company, in 5 municipalities around the nuclear plant, ending Monday. Last month, Japans nuclear regulators approved the measures, saying they met revised government requirements for restarting the nuclear plant. The prefecture will hold an extra session on October 29th in Hioki City near the plant. Government and prefectural officials will explain evacuation procedures and other emergency measures. Power company staff will describe its safety steps. ~~~
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 09:29:56 +0000

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