Note to SBS Dinka Radio Audiences You are all welcome to SBS - TopicsExpress


Note to SBS Dinka Radio Audiences You are all welcome to SBS Dinka Radio a part of the larger SBS network in Australia. Our program goes to air every Saturday 11am-12pm and Sunday 6am-7am Melbourne-Sydney times. To whom it may concern Since we are serving thousands of Dinka speakers in Australia and across the world; these gentlemen should know that SBS Dinka Radio dont belong to any section of Dinka or interest group. It is an independent Public Broadcasting Service in Australia serving Dinka speakers in this community. Since we went to air last year; many Dinka speakers across Australia have listened to many segments that includes coverage challenges facing young people, domestic violence; elections, cultural shock, successful stories like that of Uncle Jok Mabok work studied to graduate at age of 70 in Western Australia. Many of the Dinka speakers who cannot understand news in English can now understand Australian and world issues in their own language and testimonies are there to prove the dissatisfied that they are a minority within the happy majority. In South Sudan when crisis began; many Dinka speakers were affected by the conflict in various ways and some were trapped in South Sudan. As the only media with the ability to reach to these South Sudanese stakeholders; we managed to inform the community many of whom are still connected to their homeland. As neutral news agency; we have nothing to gain in taking side in any country’s issues or within Australia but we work hard in bringing information to our audiences. In other ways; many audiences who are supporters of such groups have always defined our role according to their perceptions but that is not who we are. We are a news agency and our interest is in what make news and how we can help our audiences in information dissemination. We have very successful in these and that is what makes us to be a popular program within a matter of short time. We do understand a need to improve or keep improving but that will not means accommodating all that our audiences wishes to see because there are times the needs or demands from our audiences may contrary to our codes or our mandates. In case of decline; such shouldn’t be term as rejection of ideas but rather an adherence to the norms, codes or various jurisdictions that are there to guide our work and day to day operations. In case of coverage; this is a duty that we will never give up on it but to continue to explore chances of improving or advancing it to the better level. We will air anything that is deem right for public good and ‘right’ will have to define by the consumer of our content. Since SBS Radio is the beacon or the backbone of Australian multiculturalism; we will not deviate as Dinka program from the 39 years old culture, reputation and trust in SBS Radio even though we are one year old. Hence; many Dinka speakers are always appreciative to the management of SBS for choosing Dinka Language out of the over 250 languages spoken in Australia then added it to the other 73 languages to make it 74. In Australia; thousands of Dinka speakers tuned to our Radio every weekend and they are very happy with our balanced coverage of issues. We have over 500 hundreds testimonials in Australia and across the world for those who trust us as the only source of first hand and authentic news. We have people listening to SBS Dinka Radio in South Sudan (Aweil; Gok Machar village; Bor, Yei, Unity, Malakal, Juba in big numbers, Denmark,Kenya, Egypt, Uganda, Ethiopia, Canada, USA, UK to mention few. These people are streaming to this Radio because we are not judging our participants but getting information from them which we replay to our audiences for their own fair judgment. Like any media; we will have to dig such information out and that shouldn’t be used as pretext to launch unrealistic campaigns or destructive character assassinations. We are not supposed to reply anything of people talk on Facebook or any other social media but since the program is one year old; many people are living with the assumption that need to be corrected. I still wanted to let them know that we are a language based program catering to Dinka speakers here in Australia and to many Dinka speakers across the world. Many of these people are very proud that such program is able to help them. Our audiences need to know that many of the complaining has been stalking us demanding to be interviewed or add to telephone line when we are interviewing a guest! From which parts of the world are such practices used and why will anyone with responsibility allow such to take place? Furthermore; for the broadcasters; we are the one that understand the community very well and we have the responsibility to let them the speakers understand SBS Dinka Radio very well and such message will have to be told in a very clear terms. SBS Dinka Radio is part of the larger SBS and anyone should not have a perception of confusing us with the community Radio. We abide by the guides, Codes, Ethics or any other directive from the management. SBS Dinka Radio shouldn’t be confused with the community based organisations either and in case people should refer to in order to see what is covered in that site before going to . As Also; we will not accept to be held hostage by people whose interest is different to that of the people we are serving. This SBS Dinka Radio is larger than the lenses they are using to see it and we will not allow the habits of rumours as a way diverting our handwork. Our coverage is appreciated across Australian States and Territories by the Dinka speakers. We have always encouraged our audiences to give us constructive criticisms or feedbacks that will allow further improvement but we will never encouraged interest driven groups to converge with their demands or give in to them. We are a large organisation guided by a Parliamentary Act, organisational Codes and great management. For 39 years; SBS Radio covered contentious issues; from marriage equality; elections; advocacy; indigenous issues, Middle Eastern crisis, former Yugoslavia, religious debates, Ukraine and currently South Sudanese’s crisis. The separation of the language and that of the people have always been issue but people should categorically be aware of the differences. Such thinking of sectional influence should be debated somewhere but not here at SBS Dinka because we are serving Dinka speakers be they white, brown, yellow or green; we will consider them our audiences. Hence; we are happy to take your feedbacks and we have been asking audiences to leave us their messages of encouragement or feedback at 61 (03) 99492205. Warning should be clear that those demanding the axing of our talents that they don’t agree with should take their anger somewhere else but not here. Your call of not wanting some people to be interview is a good suggestion but categorically rejected. You can do that in countries that you can describe well but not In Australia. It is a time for the Dinka speakers across Australia to benefit from the fruits of freedom; from to listen to different views and freedom to follow a Radio that will not be shutdown tomorrow because people disagree with its contents or segments. This is Australia the country that helped or hosted many refugees who escape prosecution, torture and censorship from their own Governments. For Australia is the land of green pastures; SBS Dinka Audiences will be provide with accurate and unbiased information and judgement will be left to them on what they are hearing. Such freedom will not be abused in anyway and those wishing to fulfil the demands of their associate intimidating us will even continue to be the best audiences to our segments. Thanks for tuning in every weekend and we will be happy to serve you. Ajak Deng Chiengkou Executive Producer-SBS Dinka Radio You can reach us on [email protected] Or call us on 613 99492205
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 16:23:54 +0000

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