Note who gets the last word in this article which presents both - TopicsExpress


Note who gets the last word in this article which presents both sides. It isnt a penis cutting zealot. U.S. health officials have released a draft of what is likely to become the first ever federal guidelines on circumcision, stating that the benefits of the procedure outweigh the risks — a position that runs counter to medical advice in other countries and is likely to enrage advocacy groups that believe the surgical procedure is in large part unnecessary and comes with risks.... A Germany a court ruled recently that doctors need to discuss circumcision procedures with the child, “in a manner appropriate to his age and development,” arguing that cutting an infant’s foreskin without informing the patient violated the country’s constitutional protection of individuals physical integrity. The ruling followed debate over the case of a circumcised four-year old who was brought to the emergency room due to profuse bleeding, Spiegel online reported. And in the UK, the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons advises that there is rarely a medical need for circumcision. Moreover, Doctors are also told that they can refuse to perform the procedure for reasons of conscience. “It’s really just a euphemism. You call it female genital mutilation and you turn around and call it male circumcision. It’s two sides of the same card,” Kuester said. The CDC will accept public comment on the draft guidelines for 45 days before finalizing guidelines next year.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:44:18 +0000

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