*Note you dont have to read this. Im only posting this to share my - TopicsExpress


*Note you dont have to read this. Im only posting this to share my thoughts, though i planned on making this a video to avoid all the typing, buuuut I got lazy. Oh well. Me giving my thoughts on this bullsh*t. You know. Ive tried to stay out of this Ferguson bullsh*t as I honestly couldnt give two f*cks about any of the parties involved. But these racist white f*cks act as though THEY are the minority in these situations and these niggas act as though someone attacking an armed officer, whether it was self defense or not doesnt have a 60-90 percent chance of getting capped and frankly doesnt deserve it for an all around stupid decision. Ive been seeing whites cry wolf when it comes to black on white crimes, whenever things like this happen. Saying they hardly ever get national news. You wanna know why the news doesnt blow up when WE do stuff like this? Its because either A) we dont make it out alive for there to be a drawn out story, B) we make it out get sentenced C) its something expected of us or D) not an interesting enough story to get the masses of asses a flaming. INB4 OJ Simpson; he only got out because he was famous. If his monkey ass was a bus driver(To quote Chris Rock), He would be Orenthal the bus driving Murderer Simpson. Theyd have hung his slow get-away driving nigga ass on a noose behind his own HUD based house. Even still hasnt his ass been sentenced now for something? Oh well. I dont care. Dear Racist White people who talk sh*t over the internet. STOP ACTING LIKE YOURE A MINORITY! As of the *2013 US Census Whites/Caucasians make up %62.6 of americas 308,128/839 population. Hispanics make up %17.1 and blacks %13.2. I know right? Who knew blacks were Sooooo dominant in America.*Rolls eyes* Instead of thinking every black person who doesnt bend over backwards for Police(who havent exactly been on ANY races good side the last 30 years) is a thug, think about it as situations such as this could be handled a lot better. Hes a trained officer who has been taught to handle situations such as these but he didnt because he pussyd out and a kid got bodied. The kid who got shot was stupid as sh*t and got body bagged for it, im not gonna miss him though my condolences do go out to his family. Not to say i would have batted an eye if he killed that policeman as Brown was running away after getting shot twice and only turned around because the officer shot him again. It was either get shot in the back or die fighting, just like how you love to use this defense for your poor ARMED and TRAINED policeman. If you want to fix a problem, fix it at the roots. The policemen. The government listens to you, get an ordinance passed to root out all of the bad and corrupt policemen in the system and maybe we wouldnt have so many of these gat-damned stories every year. Dear Dumb Niggas. Stop being f*cking stupid!!! Your rioting and thievery isnt helping a gat-damn thing. Youre only dancing on the strings the media placed on you. Youre ignorance in one city alone casts a dark cloud of ignorance over your race and regardless of what you think your fighting for, YOU ARE IN THE WRONG. You wanna impress someone. Peacefully protest. March. Raise a fist. Remember and learn from this incident. Become members of your community. Educate your bratty ass kids. Boycott these punk ass, wannabe gangster rappers that YOU let educate you little f*ck nuggets. Stop allowing colors decide how you and your family live your lives. Our race could probably be something great outside of music, sports and jail if you let intelligence dictate over ignorance. You goddamn retards. Sincerely, a black guy whos tired of white and black bullsh*t *quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/00000.html
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 01:14:07 +0000

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