Notebook 3 The seed is planted in fertile soil, full of life, the - TopicsExpress


Notebook 3 The seed is planted in fertile soil, full of life, the energies withstanding the bounty of creation. Showing light of way in distinct characteristic, treading paths in unitive wholeness, sharing truth with all awareness. To be is to live in the perfection of absolute serenity. To understand, to realize, to actualize, to transcend, and to finally arrive Home. Home of Heart, Home of Soul. The Home of the paradisiacal interior is everywhere in the internal realm. Perfection is the step of divine acknowledgement towards all essence. Perfection becomes. All is as All is. God is All. All is God. Ultimate Reality, emerge yourself into the timed, as the timeless. Emerge yourself into the changed, as the changeless. Emerge yourself within boundaries as unbounded. The fable of life speaks the words of beauty transcendent. The absolute purity of all existence. The stretched root of source, remaining sourced. All is source and source is All. The source of life energy is the source of conscious energy. Heart Conscious Mind. All is the Heart Conscious Mind. Beyond, within, between, deeper than depth, higher than height. Together unified in existence of All, in an all inclusive blissful harmony. This life we live, what a splendid significance. This life sings to our soul, rejoicing in flowing change, as destined arrival to the Home of homes. Paradise is the Home of homes. Stable being under brilliant canopy of star, remember your origins. Your belonging in timelessness, as the universal realm of all conscious Life. Together true, as truth. To be is to find To be is to give To be is to rejoice To be is to control To be is to surrender To be is to give in To be is to take out To be is to become real. Reality is as reality emerges. Reality emerges as reality is. The truth of God is in the Heart. No heart can deny Heart. Love is as Love becomes. Love becomes as love is. Essential, true, pure, and sure. Love is the corner stone of all reality. The will universal is the will of Love. In Love, through Love, as Love. Together we are strongest. Every believing in the alone is starved of the bounties of united wholeness. The human race cannot remain in isolation. It must understand itself as one self, and in this union, may enlightenment prevail through all our days. Children of God, wake up. The lights of sky, Shine down on me, Fulfill me, Become me, Shine through me, To keep us together, Sky, Keep us stronger, Sky, Love of all soul, Sky. The life of sky and the sky of life. Living energy, radiating light in celebration. One source, one whole, one unity, one becoming as timeless perfection. Timeless perfection of all reality, emerge into our bodied, earthed souls. No wind can topple the human structure united. Always think in wholes of perfection. Become real as ultimate reality. Speed is limited and limitless. Light has no speed. It is perfectly abundant, everywhere, always. Universal encompasses all in the universe. The universal universe. The song of freedom, The harmony of peace, The truce in surrender, When all fights cease, And all solutions resolve. Having words of wisdom to leave behind, to help the blind, to help the open eyed. The blind and the open eyed, the strict and the open hearted. The stubborn and the open minded. The revolution is only possible, now. Motive is key to success. The degree of success is determined by the intensity of motive, active as will power, used. Will power yields success when used successfully. To use will power successfully, you must learn the art of will. The art of Love, The art of Life, The art of Light, The art of Peace, The art of Serenity, The art of Grace, The art of Will, The art of Wisdom, The art of Flow, The art of Mind, The art of Spirituality. Art is passion Spirituality is a road and a destination. Spirituality is THE road and THE destination. To be as the spirit is. The reality of spirit is the highest reality. To be spiritual is to be in the highest degree of reality. Realistic success is success that reaches the true aims of life. The essential perspective. The spiritual perspective. The real perspective. Into the world of perfection, I find myself slowly drifting. Floating the winds of which I’m from, knowing this the purest dream. If the religious have special rights, it is due course that the irreligious have just the same. The spiritual man is the man free to be as divinity yields him to be. The radiant star of internal origin, pulsating Life into being, and being into Life. “Everything” is every thing in one word. Everything is one thing, as one moment. One spark of one being. The eternal spark, every changeless being. Love expressed as love received. To be humble, respectful, honorable, hence complete. The spirit becomes in endless reveal. Of perception is everything, and of everything is perception. The eyes that see, the ears that hear, the nose that smells, the hands that touch, and the mouth that tastes what the soul projects. The universal sight is light The universal sound is “nada” om The universal smell is pure life The universal taste is pure love The universal touch is pure weightlessness All perception is one experience. The wind of life carries all soul. The wind of life nurtures all soul. Energy fields rising with mind and heart. Conscious up rise; awareness of rise. The seed was planted, infused with life. Carrier of, the course of life. It is inside that we find, the use of mind, And Heart means to me, The reason to breath, The trust to believe, All I can conceive. The whole truth asks for respect and tolerance, No more indifference. It all is relevance. Will free, no have we. The instinctual force of will. Energy generation. Everything comes from inside. I understand as that I may believe. I understand what I believe as that I may be certain. My words run deep in our mind Makes the dream come into sound Moving wind and shaking ground Knowing square from knowing round Finding sight in pulsing Heart Well of light pulsing soul Grace and love in height radiant, Grace and Love in height transcendent. 0^1, 1^0 To be in an existence, In which the plural does not exist. Singular whole of all reality. The infinite between, All big and All small, Everything as no thing. Beyond thing is essence of thing. Essence of awareness, Life of consciousness. In Nirvana, All is one, All is same, All is essence, All is pure. In Nirvana, There is no ground for distinction. The root of all transforms the All. The original cause is the universal cause. The universal is the essential. All physical reality shares the same spiritual living essence. Consciousness is the ground by which everything exists. Consciousness is not a “thing”. No-thing. Consciousness is an ability; actualized, realized, enhanced, increased, emerged, united. Consciousness is timeless; no beginning, no end. Consciousness is boundless; no size, no depth. Consciousness is being less; no mind, no heart. Consciousness is everythingness; no limit, no separation. Consciousness is one; no plural, no two. The conscious play through all of Life, Making moment into reality, As the never beginning, The never ending, Eternal Life of always, Pure, Essential. Life is in bounty, Life has no limit. The rhythm of nature, True drums of beat, Dancing with wind, Raising upwards our feet. All is everything, Everything is All. The eternal is always. In this non-changing state, All is pure and essential. Heaven consciousness. Heaven awareness. Becomes as you are. The animal body emerges in reality as the environmental body emerges itself. Environment is contrast to the Self. God is the rock of understanding. The rock exists as the Mind of God. As the Heart of God. The rock is of God, the rock comes from God. God is of nothing outside Godself. Distance is nothing without intensity. Intensity yields everything. One cannot separate consciousness from anything. All is united in awareness. The Heart is the original engine. The engine of the original state. The taste of divinity in essence of the between. The ultimate reality is of the Heart. The Light is the expression of universal Heart. To become oneself is to enter the Heart. The source of thought. Cloud of luminous ether. 5/11/07 As you perceive life so life will be perceived as. Connected in pattern, whole in source. Energy fields rising, uniting. Spiritual/physical awareness. There is no separation between the countless universe. Learn to forgive yourself. Learn to forgive others. Keep steady your relationship with your Self. The selfless Self is a mirror. In selflessness, reality is experienced as not-me. Instead, as we. “I” am awareness of reality. Without reality, awareness isn’t aware. The superconscious is both the ultimate connector and disconnector. To be everything. All that exists is Life – awareness – consciousness. Everything that is, is Life. Life is everything. Life “is” the isness. Conscious reception of being. There is to say nothing of everythingness. Silence keeps the predators astray. The present moment is the ultimate past and ultimate future, reflected into reality.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 04:55:10 +0000

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