Notes From The Diary Of Boo Radley, Volume Two-Page Forty Six - TopicsExpress


Notes From The Diary Of Boo Radley, Volume Two-Page Forty Six As you know dear readers, I have been on a royal crusade for some months, conquering new lands and castles, adding subjects to my kingdom, and widening my knowledge of the world. As a roving ruler I have been to many strange places. I have discovered new creatures, seen cold white grass fall from the sky, and met some of the oddest-looking dogs I could ever imagine. My latest adventure proved to be filled with more amazing events which I shall relate to you now. We rode in the big wagon to my castle in the woods, where we picked up a sort of person-beast of what species, I am uncertain. The male person-beast walks and barks like a person, but his head and muzzle is covered with fur. The hair on his head is long and silky, like the tails of the great thundering beasts that carry men on their backs, but his muzzle is the bushy grey hair of a woodland creature, the kind that wear masks and kill our fat birds and eat their delicious eggs. No matter his origin, he is a pleasant fellow who enjoys a good Binky toss. After placing him in the wagon, we continued on our journey for some hours, and then the air began to smell funny. It was salty, and cool, and smelled of strange hairless creatures and water. Then the ground began to shift beneath the wagon and I saw a great river smashing up against the earth over and over again, as if to swallow it. We exited the wagon and I jumped onto the ground, which also shifted beneath my own feet as it had beneath the wagon. There were so many smells, and the ground was covered with grass and trees that the mighty river had swallowed and then regurgitated onto the shifting earth. I ran to meet the challenge of the mighty river, but took pause as I discovered the horrible secret of this strange land...we had arrived at the end of the earth! There was only water, as far as I could see! It took no great effort to conquer this land, as it appeared only wandering dogs had been through, wisely leaving this strangely beautiful but desolate place. The only creatures who reside there are birds of all shapes and sizes, diving into the great river or running up and down the wet earth piercing it with their pointed muzzles. Lola did sniff out the underground home of a deadly slithering beast, but it appeared to be absent, which was just as well. My one and only attempt to do battle with such a creature did not end well for my snout. Sometimes avoiding warfare is the best strategy. We spent our time with the Binky, and dashing in and out of the jaws of the mighty river. Even Little Sister ran about like a pup, cavorting through the shifting earth in her amusingly spastic manner. We erected a makeshift castle that flapped in the wind and slept until daylight. Our time at the end of the earth was short, but I learned much. I hope to return someday, as I feel it holds many more secrets to uncover. Yours in wonder, Boo Radley
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 04:37:41 +0000

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