Notes from todays learning and meditation: Living an Exceptional - TopicsExpress


Notes from todays learning and meditation: Living an Exceptional Life: Notes Jim Rohn Two things to consider as we ponder living an exceptional life: 1. *Opportunities are more plentiful than ever seen in recorded history -new technology - global transportation Create unbelievable and amazing opportunities 1. * We face World wide competition - you have to be ready - No Excuses ----------------------------------- How to be prepared for opportunity and competition in one of the greatest centuries in history: 1. You need more than one skill (for economic safety)* - barber, manager, leader, sales, team builder, *(communication 3 parts training-- how to do the job- teaching how life works-learning to inspire)* owner, consultant, identifying good people for business, organizing ( getting people to work together)*, rewarding people for small steps forward (be so busy promoting others that you dont need it for yourself)* 2. *Learn more than one language- you need to learn it or give it to your child as a gift... children dont lack the capacity to learn multiple languages 3. Learn the simple economic formula: *this is the bottom line* We get paid for bringing value to the market place- that simple * .... Your check is a direct reflection of the value that you bring to your company/industry You may be a good person... great friend ... valuable in the sight of God but you get paid for the value that you bring to the company/ industry ----------------------------------- Value is in two parts- 1. Value of the product or service that you sale/ produce/ or market #2. Value that you become (if you work hard on your job you can make a living ... If you work hard on yourself... You can make a fortune)-- what are you doing daily to work on yourself? philosophical thought to remember: *Success is something you attract by becoming an attractive person* ------------------------------------- *5 ways to increase your value to the market place: *1. Philosophy: Effected by what we know Each persons income is determined primarily by their Philosophy not the environment -- the more we learn 1. Helps to see danger on one side to avoid those 2. Helps you to see opportunities to maximize #The Game of Life: To minimize dangers and maximize opportunities --adjusting philosophical guidance system 1. Learn from personal experience (if you will change ... Everything will change for you)* 2. Learn from others experience (negative and positive)* 3. Be a good student (keep good notes (watch a great observer) -Success leaves clues -read books and listen to the audios - be a selective listener Dont be Lazy in Learning *2. Attitude: Our Emotions are the Power: effected by how we feel 1. How we feel about the past (Dont carry the past like a burden or live in the past but make it a mentor 2. How we feel about the future: we look back for experience ..we look forward for inspiration! How? Setting Goals! Write it all down.... you have to see it before you do it... Start designing the future... Dont be casual. Put everything on your goal list.... Nothing is to small 3. Its very important how we feel about others! We have to honor and appreciate the gifts in others 4. Its important how you feel about yourself! Everyday matters.... Doing the right things everyday helps us to feel good about who we are and where we are going *3. Activity- the Work : effected by what we do (The miracle piece to it all)--- Activity produces new life! The Labor produces new life---evaluate your activity and results How the miracle is produced? 1. Vision (see it first)--- imagine the possibilities --you gotta clearly see it!! Testimonials are good--- if I can do it... You can do it 2. Have faith to believe that some of these things are possible for you! 3. Go to work! You have to put in the work.... Learn to appreciate the process! Embrace it!! *4. Learn to measure progress: measure progress-- measure your own progress! Dont lie to yourself--- life is a numbers game! Dont stay at one level to long. Measure/ count/ face the truth - each day - each week - each month - each year Be honest! Evaluate every area of your life.... Progress is a great motivator *5. Life style - ultimate essence of life-- learning to live a good life - 1. Productivity...produce to the Max (whats got you turned on and inspired)* -2. Good friends- you have to have good friends --collect and cherish then -3. Heritage- honor every heritage -4. Spiritual walk- study/Practice/ Teach -5. Take special care of your inner circle- nourish them and they will nourish you. Take care of the details and the special days
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 01:18:35 +0000

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