Notes on Elspark community meeting - 14 October - TopicsExpress


Notes on Elspark community meeting - 14 October 2013 Attendance: Candice Gouws Richard Sindane Salome Santana E. & A Klynsmith Christopher Swanepoel Leonard Moaholi De Bruin Family Jaco Kriel Johan Botha F. & A Bosson Andre Welkin Nico & Marcia Perreira Marinda Meyer Louise Nienabee Lucas Enelbracht Craig Aaron Sgt Scheepers Thapelo Notes Processes involve – We need 70% of all forms to be in only have 45% at the moment. Sapele Street - still a lot outstanding. The old mandate forms are incorrect. Candice did hand the new forms to attendees of the meeting. Candice mentioned the R2500 that needs to be contributed towards the application process. We need to start to know all our neighbours. Boom gates at Wildersering & Tambotie Ave The veld needs to be enclosed. The driving course does not want boomgates. Chris made a suggestion – We need a gate for pedestrians. Chris suggested Raven and Mopani street. For the driving range we could suggest a disk to enter the enclosed area this will restrict but not stop business from coming in. Traffic studies leave Wildesering out main drive way due to main way to school. Impact study will take a long WSP engineers could do impact studies One person per street to look after the residents Select chairman, trusties, secretary......... Open bank account non profit organisation so resident could transfer money Main thing to get the main applications with the R 2500 and traffic study Every two years you will have to re apply. Sargent SCheepers joined the meeting. Restricted areas are not going to stop crime. YOU need to boost up security in your own properties Closed off the veld by Meranti and Wildesering R35000 for gates signage and insurance 20% of the value of the area if you put the gate in the wrong area this will cover the cost. Get the lady from >>>> Watch for Waaiboom main way to school. You can include the school but 70% of school pupils must agree. We need to all stand together to beat the crime. 4 and half years it took to corner of Freeway Park. Set up the committee like pensioners to assist. Housewife’s also welcome to assist. The best thing is to get the mandate form signed and hand in. Let them know how much it will cost 2500 for traffic study and 4500 for further cost. Candice suggested sponsorships. Calvin will sponsor signage for closed of areas. He did call and apologised for not being able to attend the meeting. Value of property will increase by 10% if enclosed. Battle to sell houses with open areas and velds Keep the police on your side the police have to support the enclosure also the roads department, emergency vehicles, post services, legal and corporate departments have to approve. Follow up all the time on applications. EEM need to assist Elspark falls under Germiston Need to hand in to Germiston council. Sapele fall under Boksburg not Germiston. Policing border not the same postal border. Crime states of September 13 - 2 hijacking in Sapele Street and Meranti Street. CPF and police patrolling but still hijackings every 2 weeks. 2/3 years of states on Mandate forms. Resident to fill in everything that has happened in the last 2 years on the mandate forms. Web Will advise you on the crime states in your area in a graph format just enter street and for e.g. hijackings for a certain month... great site! What about the humps while we busy waiting for enclosures? Big humps will slow down speed and have proofed to help decreasing hijackings. If somebody is working for the municipality to speed up the process for humps/enclosure will help. 350 houses WSP will count the houses for you. ERF numbers need to be on the mandate form. Security companies will they be allowed to inter the enclosed area? This enclosure will be run by you (the residents of enclosed area) the best is to have one security company to patrol the area for monthly fee e.g.100 house need 2 vehicles. You are allowed to restrict public but can’t stop public to enter a public area Emergency vehicles will take short time period to inter enclosed area. Swing gate for fire gates Closing of will take long time and allot of money but possible. The way forward is to get the mandate forms in first - 70% needed. The residents need to appoint 1/2 people per street to assist with mandate forms. Advertisement needed - get boards up with notices with no cell numbers WSP will asset with the roads study Get an bank account to pay founds and find out who will pay and who can’t - 1 Guard will cost 12ooo per month. This is over and above your own personal security cost. Try and get one security company to service the area but be careful they not all honest/trustworthy. CPF – Community forum that work with the police. The CPF have closed radio net work with an emergency channel 1 just advice on emergency and street address. Buy the radio this is the short solutions to crime. The cost is R855 with a signage board. Volunteers patrol the areas. The most crimes happen between 22hoo – 2hoo in the morning. The CPF cannot stop hijacking at the moment. The CPF will responsd within 5 min. They have a team of - 2 medics’ and a fireman, we patrol and work with police to stop crime and all patrollers are trained. 700 radios in the area -Short and quick solution to crime stopping. Except for current debate on radio transmissions only being broadcast in Afrikaans, some members do not fully understand the language. Hopefully we can come to a non conflict situation to resolve this issue! Silence no more let stand together and beat this. Meranti - CANDICE Wildesering - Sapele - Anton & Thepelo (thank you gentleman) Drive range does not own the property? Maybe rental. Speed bumps to start off with. Idea about installing security cameras in each street. Closing off all veld areas will cost too much. Sapele street being targeted the most, one hijacking happened this weds the 16th. Only real consideration is to close off behind Satin Ash Ave. Start with speed bumps!! Notes from Candice to the Residents: Thank you to all those who attended. Was a bit discouraged that the expected amount of residents did not show even though I have gathered over 120 petition signatures, stating something needs too be done. It is now up to the residents to start willing to help. I cannot do this all on my own. Communicate... communicate with each other!!! Thank you to Salome Santana for her assistance in preparing for the meeting. New forms have to be distributed, thank you to those who did volunteer. I have done all I can... it is now up to you the residents! We dont want to feel like prisoners in our own homes any more, think about the safety of your children. Even though there has been constant security and police presence... still we are being targeted by crime syndicates! I will have nothing more to do with the CPF (AGAIN THIS JUST SHOWS HOW I REPEATEDLY PROMOTE THEM.... BUT NO MORE! Thank you all. Once again, I promote the more!!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 23:17:41 +0000

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