Notes on Magic spells A spell is a spoken or written form - TopicsExpress


Notes on Magic spells A spell is a spoken or written form which, in the act of magic and divination, aims to create or modify a course of events. The belief in spells and their use goes back to ancient times. Spells have become an integral part of the various religious and magical practices. Their methods vary accordingly from culture to culture, but all sorts on the ritual function activity. Spells are closely related to prayer, as they are a means of petitions or a deity deities for a desired result, and that require visualization of the objective, the willingness of the goal and ritualized movements or body positions, such as salvation of the head, bending or clasping hands, or closing the eyes, etc. Spells are also closely linked to different methods employing the powers of the mind, as creative visualization, positive and positive imaging. These methods, casting a help highlight the plight of his mental images so that it can better identify with the images and form a clear objective. The person reiterates its intention to reach the goal and especially combined with the projection of his will and the invocation of the help of spirits, deities or Divine Force. There are different types of spells. Some are beneficial and others detrimental. Some say they can be worked on man and beast alike. Their goals are unlimited whose healing, love, success, money, fertility, longevity, protection against natural disasters, illness, misfortune and evil, exorcism of ghosts and spirits, victory in the war and the enemy of truth in divination, the time control and achieving Supernatural exploits. When cast spells against the enemies can be used to achieve the disease, the destruction, loss of love, helplessness, loss of property, failure and even death. A person can cast a spell for himself, or her to another person. A spell is called a blessing. A negative fate usually known as a hex or a curse. Archaques terms to include spells and magic spell. A spell is cast, which is binding on with the intention of harming or prevention of disasters, or to arrest a person to perform an act such as murder or rape, or something as innocuous as disseminating Gossip. An act of magic, which requires a wizard, witch or sorcerer, who is living in a ritual. The fate consists of words or incantation (sometimes called charms or runes). The ritual is a prescribed set of actions carried out while the lot is recited. For example, the ancient Egyptians believed words were so powerful that their speaking would achieve the desired result. Some words and names on power, were essential to the magic of Egypt and had to be pronounced correctly and with the right intonation. India is the ultimate behalf of the West on the magical power of ceremony. A spell-casting ritual involves the rehabilitation of power (see also the cone of power), thanks to the combination of visualization, incantation (the statement of the objective), the petition of deities and the projection of will. It is believed that the success of fate rests on the strength and willingness raised and the skill with which they are targeted and planned. All these powers go to the casting lots. Things that help spell cast include words, chants, songs, movements or dance, which may be accompanied by the use of objects such as ritual tools, effigies, poppets, cords, candles , cuts and nails. In most cultures witches, wizards, sorcerers, and other persons authorized by magic spells that can be beneficial or harmful. Spells are cast to meet the needs of an individual or group of individuals. They may not be by an individual or a group, as a witch or solitary witches in a coven. The ethics enshrined in the Wiccan Reed prohibits melting curses within neo Pagan witchcraft. Also within this group, it is divided agreement on the acceptability of sorts binding. Generally, the words of the ritual used in casting spells are spontaneous and composed to serve the immediate goal. Rimes words or verses help create a boaster the increasing rate of energy. While many effective spells and charms can be found in books on witchcraft, magic and magic folk Most witches and wizards believe spells composed of the heart work best. They know that the recitation of a song charm or did not cast a spell. With this number of witches and magicians believe that the words of the ritual is not as important as them. It is during the ceremonial magic, the subject of a concentration and determination to achieve the goal, visualization and think it has been accomplished. When the psychic power peaked, he was released and goal-oriented. A ritual cleansing psychic completes the task of casting a spell is to banish any remnants of psychic energy. The deities invoked and the forces of the elements are recognized. ~Lady Sunflower~
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 16:16:49 +0000

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