Notes that Firstly as it was happened of a Cold-Blooded Murder of - TopicsExpress


Notes that Firstly as it was happened of a Cold-Blooded Murder of LATE DAVID BLENKINSOP as a matter of extreme Australian National concern in Sunday Mail-Adelaide: October 9th, 1988 the illegal-coercive criminal regimes of NKRI-Indos...admits killing Australian yachtsman. According to Brisbane the Federal Government was embroiled in a major diplomatic row over the shotgun murder of an Australian sailor and the wounding of his pregnant fiance by two extremists of NKRI policemen. The Criminal Coercive regimes of NKRI authorities had admitted shooting the sailor, late DAVID BLENKINSOP, 31 YEARS OLD at that time, from Sunsshine Coast, who entered territorial waters, reportedly seeking emergency supplies and shelter from a storm. His British fiance, JOANNE MIST WAS 24 YEARS OLD at that time who was four months pregnant, miracuously escaped death when she threw herself in front of the gun-fire to shield her injured and blooded fiance. The couple was sailling their 15 m yacht C-Ment from Phuket in Thailand to Australia when bad weather forced them to seek refuge at the island of Serui. It can be known that Miss MIST said they spent 12 days getting water, fuel and repairing the torn sails and engine. But at 5 am on August 14th 1988, there were two extremists plain-clothed of NKRI -Indos .. policemen boarded the yacht and ordered they sail to the island of Biak. Miss MIST said: After sailing for time and bearing for Biak, we(they) were having trouble getting over a reef. There was a police sergeant pulled out a gun and fired a warning shot before shooting LATE DAVID in the shoulder and me in the stomach. I yelled ( LATE DAVID) You have killed my baby. Late David moved towards the policeman and was knocked on the deck-boards and no attemp was made to save him. Miss MIST was taken by police to a local hospital where she made a full recovery after surgery. Allegations of cover-ups by ILLEGAL-COERCIVE CRIMINAL REGIMES OF NKRI-Indos...authorities have plagued the enquiry into the mans death....Secodly ...Free West Papua!!!!! and its never and never and never be silence ....!!!! there is still ongoing incidents of thousands of thousand illegal boats peoples are being sponsored and suplied by the world wide islamic organized crimes of illegal coercive lie -deception regimes of nkri-indonesia over others such as illegal criminal nkri-indonesia diplomats are mostly Cunning like pigeon, sincere like a snake. Honourable our Australia Prime Ministers Tonny Abbot dont be folled by the nkri-indonesia diplomats, they all are already stated that the Australian people are being stupid and easy to be fooled or something else ...? or just as a part of frame inner circle connivance and collusion with cynically blind eyes - sentiments and cheapest slogan ideas propaganda from those lucky-profit with barbaric fat superiority politician capitalism economical interests of themselves. Australia in the eyes of the controversial coercive Islamic Javanesse Arabic-mix government of NKRI are very important allies but there were many Australian who got killed in that bombing incident-by the NKRIs TN-POL who are trainning Taliban-Jihadist-Mujahiddin radical terrorist to kill Australian including Western democratic societies such as look back on 12th, of October 2002, at the Sari Club-Denpasar-Bali was bombed by the Islamic Mujahhidin-Jihadist who targeting mainly at the Western Societies of Australian and European tourists , and there were many Australian who got killed in that bombing incident-the coercive regime NKRI-islamic government knew everything about the plan and did nothing to prevent it or prtended didnt know about it....Again its still fresh in 2004, the Australian embassy in Jkarta was also bombed by Islamic jihad, So NKRI-Indonesia Javanese islamic government was also knew that the Islamic jihad-Mujahhidin who were planning bomb all Australian interest in the controversial coercive NKRI. The NKRI-Indonesia Javanesse islamic government turned the cynically the blind eyes and the political conflicts sentiments and let it be happened. NKRI-Indonesia Diplomats are cunning like pegeon, sincere like a snake....Hopefully, Australian dont be FOOLED by the Coercive cunning diplomats, they are simply already stated that the Australia people are stupid and easy to be FOOLED,... Because NKRIs population is overcrowd population of poverty and not strong enough in the economical development levels but full of CORRUPTION DEVELOPMENT PLANNING PROGRAM THE VOICE OF WEST PAPUA OF MELANESIA THANKS ...PEACE...OPM-INTERNATIONAL FORUM FOR WEST PAPUA.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 01:56:15 +0000

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