Nothing Can Stop You! Article Tools Email this page to a friend - TopicsExpress


Nothing Can Stop You! Article Tools Email this page to a friend Get a printer-friendly version The challenges, roadblocks and obstacles and will come, but they can’t stop your vision from coming to pass because you were born to win! So why do so many men buckle under pressure? Why so so many men lose sight of their God-given vision? It may be that they don’t understand how to convert the negative power of pressure into the positive power of perserverance. In his usual down to earth manner, Dr. Myles Monroe shows us how to make the conversion and obtain victory… by Dr. Myles Monroe People Who Are Successful Are Like Teabags? God has put so much in you that if you are willing to capture it, nothing can stop you. There is not enough darkness in the world to extinguish the light God has put within you. The light of God’s vision in your heart is so strong and bright that all the darkness of the planet, all the darkness of people’s opinions, and all the darkness of past failures can never put it out. Success in life requires perseverance. Perseverance actually means “to bear up under pressure.” I like this quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, which actually applies to all people: “A woman is like a teabag. You never know how strong it is until it’s in hot water.” Here’s a similar analogy: People who are successful are like teabags. When they get in hot water, they make tea. When life squeezes them, they don’t become angry; they do something constructive with the pressure. They persevere under it and use it for their own benefit. People who have vision are stronger than the pressure life brings. I have discovered that sometimes you don’t get the scent from the rose until you crush it. In order to draw the fragrance of His glory from your life, God will allow you to be put under stress. The Purpose of Pressure Is? We forget too easily that character is formed by pressure. The purpose of pressure is to get rid of what is not of God and to leave what is pure gold. Perhaps you’re in the fire right now. It’s a good place to be. Go ahead and make tea. Surprise your enemies with the scent of God. Let them pressure you to release His glory. No matter what people may say about you, don’t retaliate. Let them talk about you on your job. It doesn’t matter what they think. You can smile, knowing that you will come through the situation. The Scriptures say it is not those who are swift, but those who endure to the end, who succeed. Therefore, don’t run–stay in the fight! There is no stopping a person who understands that pressure is good for him because pressure is one of the keys to perseverance. At times, you will find it difficult to remain in your vision. I understand. It’s tough for me to stay in mine. The demands that God is making on my ministry are high because the call requires it. There’s a price. Vision always demands a cost. Someone has to pay the price. Are You Willing To Pay The Price? Are you willing to do it? We need to be like Paul, who was obedient to the vision God had given him to do, even at great sacrifice. Every true vision will be tested for authenticity. If your vision is authentic, life is going to try it, just to make sure. If a vision is stopped or terminated by trials or tests, then perhaps it was not really a vision from God. Knowing this truth can help you when you are considering whether or not to become part of a corporate vision. Check things out beforehand. Have an opinion about this article? We want to hear it! Sign our Guestbook! Related Articles ● How To Find Your God-Given Purpose ● The Key To Prosperity ● The Five-Fold Secret To Clearly Hearing God’s Voice ● Are You Living By Sight Without Vision? ● The 8 Steps To Manhood
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 03:37:41 +0000

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