“Nothing Is Stronger than Water In Dissolving the Hardest - TopicsExpress


“Nothing Is Stronger than Water In Dissolving the Hardest Substances” Nun in the present position: can show you swimming without a boat. The fact that you have jumped into your emotions with purposeful intent ensures that you will find a way to navigate them. The lesson is that when the waters are raging – you must let go of what you are trying to carry with you. What you are shouldering or clinging to doesn’t serve you – but you wouldn’t have known that without being forced to swim. Your back is turned in a way that you do not see the rainbow or promise of your well being. You didn’t necessarily sign up for swimming lessons – but will become a strong swimmer just the same. Take time to allow your feelings to be felt. If you need to cry – go ahead – it waters your inner garden. If none of this is happening, you might explore the idea of denial or repression. Embrace: Proactive Creation, Serenity, Emotional Freedom, Centering, Faith Discard: Chaos, Regret, Anxiety, Disappointment, Self Blame, Second Guessing Questions to Consider: Is there something I feel guilty about? Where does it stem from? Am I aware of how I respond? Is it reactionary? Could the anxiety I feel be in proportion to what I am not facing? Do I have a healthy relationship to stress? Am I able to release it? Do those I call enemies share similar qualities I possess? What qualities most turn me off? Can this become a mirror for me? Nun is a chaos Archetype that comes to us from Egyptian mythology. In the original creation, all of life, including Atum Re, sprang from Nun. It is an interesting word inasmuch as our understanding of the Big Bang describes a universe that sprang from nothingness. As a representation of the form that is made of chaos, Nun offers a message about projection and denial. If you do not own your feelings, you project them as if someone else is orchestrating them. Eventually they can overwhelm you until you either sink or swim. In either case, a Deluge can be a lot like a spa vacation – you are renewed and refreshed. The human brain contains remnants of our ancient past and has developed three progressive areas. Labeled as the reptilian, mammalian and rational brain they function in an interrelated manner, yet have retained their distinct aspects. At the base is the most primitive reptilian area, responsible for self-preservation and the regulation of cardiac, pulmonary, digestion and instinctive reactions which make us fight or flee. The reptilian motor center reacts to vision, sound, touch and chemistry and is at the root of how we process anxiety. Like the amphibious Ogdoad in this myth, the reptilian center of the brain controls our vital processes such as heartbeat and breathing. The mammalian brain developed into our emotional responses, while the rational brain came much later. Whether it is the creation of life that began in water or in the watery womb, at the deepest part of our core we are autonomously driven, and reactionary reptiles. As an Archetype, Nun suggests a journey of slowing down to trace the place where a natural response becomes an autonomous or unconscious reaction. It can suggest a type of guilt at the foundation of hyper-vigilance and anxiety. There can be the idea of stalking adversity in a way that makes you defensive. Although Nun was a being of chaos, he was believed to have a beneficial side and was called the Inert or Hidden One. This Archetype presents itself as the exploration of whether some part of you may have been abandoned or hidden away. The interesting thing about conflict is that initial enemies often become our greatest teachers. We are drawn to those who both attract and repel us at the same time. There is a fixation at play in which the qualities that seem to charge your emotions, relate to the Hidden One within. A situation becomes charged by the amount of intensity you bring to it. In this way, you have the opportunity to learn something valuable about yourself through one that appears as your enemy. Through conflict, you discover yourself – if you can observe without reacting. Nun would teach you how operating from a chaotic inner world gives form to your interactions with others. When you can own your feelings – you can give form to yourself. You are the creator in this way. Whether or not you are aware of ideas like self doubt, blame or guilt, you will know they exist in the intensity of the conflict you experience. When Nun appears – it is a sign that you are ready to let anxiety go.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 09:15:33 +0000

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