Nothing and no one is more beautiful than Gods Son Jesus Christ. - TopicsExpress


Nothing and no one is more beautiful than Gods Son Jesus Christ. He is the Face of Love. The face and image of God. When I close my eyes I see all my answers His eyes, the universe but a sparkle in the corner of them. A man So Holy and So loving theres nothing you could to Him for Him to mistreat you or not love you. A man who knew inside that he was Immanuel God with us, living in a temple of flesh. Yet loved us people as much as He loved Himself. We tried to accuse Him of being a liar, of being a fake, he returned it with healing and kind words. We mocked Him and laughed from our unbelieving hearts and he smiled at our faces and said you are so precious to me, here is My blood its yours so you can live. We tried to bury his love for us in the ground. But His love for us was stronger than death. He was despised by men and rejected because of His stand for truth and purity. He knew the secret sins of every man yet he refused to judge them and only forgave them and offered to teach them His ways free of cost and heal their disease and brokenness. A man whose face shines brighter than the sun at noonday. Whose smile is as innocent as a newborn babys. Whose hands are more gentle than any person who ever lived, yet held the power to undo the forces of nature. Who only used His power to touch peoples lives and hearts. A man whose sole ambition and goal in life was to spend it living perfectly so he could one day give his life in our place for the punishment we deserve for our misdeeds. The man who always puts Himself second to others and thinks of us before Himself, every single time. A man whose words carry the power to place stars in the sky, yet takes time to whisper to small child and say I love you boy. He is without equal. Without competition. He is The king of Truth. The king of Love. The king of righteousness. This man is the only hope for humanity. A man Who hated religious practices so much he made a whip of cords to chase the religious people out of the temple of His Father. And said that he would come to you personally even til the end of time and live inside your heart. This Man is the fullness of the Godhead in bodily form. The Judge of the living and the dead. The Master. God Almighty. Praise The Lord Jesus. The beautiful one!!! 0:) ~~Justin~~
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 19:43:38 +0000

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