Nothing pisses me off more than seeing men, whose personal story I - TopicsExpress


Nothing pisses me off more than seeing men, whose personal story I already know, constantly jumping on FB whining and crying about how they cant find a good woman or how theyre so desperate to find a wife. Really? You cant find a good woman? I wonder why. You see some of you are more concerned about the length of her hair, the complexion of her skin, the clothes she wears and the way her body looks in and out of them than you are with whether or not she is actually a good woman. You wine, dine and run behind women who look down on you because of the kind of work you do, who cheat on you and mistreat you, who refuse ride in your vehicle because its older than a 2013, who expects you to always foot the bill, who will put you in the poor house trying to make her happy and dump you once the money runs out. Then you jump on FB crying that women are gold diggers and only want a man with muscles and money. You seem to have forgotten about the ones that you dismissed or threw away because she didnt meet some standard that you had? Do you even realize what a hypocrite you are and that you are no better than the woman who dumped you for being too short, too dark, too skinny or too broke?!!! God has sent many of you amazing women but you were too busy bed hopping or looking for something better to even notice. You see, she is the one who loved you even though you made it a habit to cuss her out for no reason. She is the one that was willing to help you when you were struggling and never once made you feel bad for it or asked for anything in return. She is the one that stood by you when you were locked down. You know, the one that wrote you every day, sent you money for supplies, helped hold things down on the outside and waited by the phone for your call every evening. For some of you shes the one that gets stuck doing it year after year, when you cant seem to stay out of trouble, and is always there waiting for you when you walk through those metal doors. Shes the one that sat by your hospital bed and prayed for you when it didnt look like you were going to make it and nursed you back to health even when she barely had enough energy to stand. Remember, shes that woman that was willing to wipe your butt when you couldnt do it yourself. Shes the one you left because she gained weight and got stretch marks after carrying your children. She is the good woman that you constantly disrespected, mistreated, talked down to and refused to give an ounce of credit for all shes done but who loved you anyway. Shes the one that you used until there was nothing left then threw away like week old garbage. She was that good woman, that wife material that you claim to want so badly. The men that get the good women are the ones that are smart enough to recognize that they have been blessed with one. Theyre the ones who realize that with a little love, patience, encouragement and acceptance whats on the outside can easily be changed to match the beauty that resides on the inside. They are the onese willing to take the time to open every oyster, regardless of the condition of the shell, until they find the one with a pearl hidden inside. Men who truly want a good woman dont hit, curse or yell at them when they get angry. They know the importance of open communication and have no problem saying I love you. They make an effort (send flowers for no reason, text her first thing every morning and make sure she is the last call he makes every night before he closes his eyes). They know the value of compromise and take the time to listen in a genuine effort to understand her feelings and needs. Her safety and happiness matter more to him than his own. He will protect her with all he has and give up his own wants and needs just to see her smile (but a good woman will never let him). He is the man who never makes his woman have to second guess her place in his life. She knows her role and where she stands...she is the star and no other woman could ever even dream of replacing her. When a good man recognizes what he has he stops taking applications and no longer holds auditions!!!! Instead, every other woman is greeted with a large, flashing stop sign that reads This role has already been filled!!!! So fellas, the next time you say you want a good woman or someone who is wife material ask yourself are you or have you been a good man and are you husband material?!!! If God blessed you with a good woman tomorrow would you even recognize her? Would you be ready and truly know how to treat her? If she came in the package you didnt expect would you give her back and ask for something better or would you take the time to at least unwrap the package to see whats inside? Could it be that God blessed you with her a long time ago but you simply didnt have enough sense to appreciate the gift you had been given? Sometimes its not the women youve encountered that are so horrible...ITS YOU!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 12:31:17 +0000

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