Notice of Motion by Hon. Jinaro Njamumo, MCA Mutithi on the needy - TopicsExpress


Notice of Motion by Hon. Jinaro Njamumo, MCA Mutithi on the needy children. Notice of Motions Hon. Jinaro Njamumo. Just before we went for recess, there was a notice I had given, because there was no time I would want to rise the motion again. THAT this assembly develops a mechanism for allocation of funds in support of the needy children by involving the MCA’s in the identification process for the same in improving education standards in Kirinyaga County. Madam speaker I would wish that this motion is allocated time possibly next week so that it is deliberated on with the speed it deserves given that we have children who are crying for us, MCA’s despite being told that we are not working, they are crying for us and they need this money. Thank you very much. Hon. Speaker. Honourable members, that is already laid before the house, members issued with a copy of that motion for deliberations next week as the House Business Committee meets on Monday, it will schedule it as requested on Tuesday if members are not going for ACKOG. As you are aware, I don’t kwon whether you are one of the members going, whether you will be debating here. Members needs to be issued with the copies so that they intensify their research on the same because am aware there are policies and guidelines to be laid in the house before that cash is released. That was a notice of motion not a motion. Hon. James Kinyua Mutugi. Am not deliberating on the same, but I thought it is something very related to that notice of motion and in support may if allowed I would comment something small. Madam Speaker. Hon. Speaker. I hear you Hon. James Kinyua Mutugi. I only want to rise and may be pray if it would have happened earlier. I do not know whether the mover of the notice of motion because down in the villages where we are coming from, members are really pressing us on the issue on that support of the needy children. It is an issue that requires urgent attention but surprises me most is that I contacted the Executive member responsible for this for the release of the forms at least we shall be seen to be doing something and I was so surprised to be told that there has to be a cabinet sitting to allow us to have the forms by Thursday this week. I felt a bit frustrated because if the issue of releasing the forms has to attract a cabinet sitting. Hon. Speaker. At national level or… Hon. James Kinyua Mutugi. No at the County level madam speaker. You the executive members are also meeting as a cabinet to deliberate on issues pertaining to their execution. Am only reporting the response I got after enquiring about the forms that as a member of the Education Committee sat drafted and we were even given the draft and made our recommendations when I was told that was not enough there has to be a sitting of the cabinet on Thursday and that if we have to get anything like the form it will be as a result of that sitting. Madam Speaker, Am only praying this honourable house through your indulgence gets to be informed early enough so that we stop giving the public the wrong information. Let the honourable house be told where and when it has to report to the public on issues affecting them directly. Because the public are coming to us they are not going to the executive officers. We are the people dealing with the public one on one. If we are told, for example, that before we open schools those forms have been with us and now we are told there will be a cabinet meeting most likely on Thursday, it may be there it may not be there, madam speaker I believe some of these bureaucracies should be redone to streamline at least members with the right information so that the necessary information is given to the public who are expecting nothing but the truth form the MCA’s. Thank you, madam speaker. Hon. Speaker. Honourable members am aware that kitty, the amount is already approved. The position is the amount passed because we are one of the counties that had no issue on the budget. From the exchequer we were cleared but also the finance executive member Gachugo said we need documentation approval of the assembly which for those who went for the training on how CDF operates you are aware there is a regulation of some sought. That is what I believe was remaining to do. But again am told that the budget controller in the county, Gitahi would also like to be engaged. He is the one who approves all the payments and dispatch. He also needs to be brought up to speed on how we need to work out that support of the children. Finally we are used to quarterly remittance of the revenue to the county and we are now being told it is monthly. Monthly I don’t know we are so much old in terms of plenary, sittings, commuter, airtime some of us and if it comes monthly am challenged as to how priorities are being given in this month. Those are some of the issues the finance and nay other member who would like to get a clarity need to engage the County Budget Controller so that we are very clear in our minds of what we are demanding. Because a scenario appears that either the money will come or we need enough to offset all our old debts because they were not again reflected in the pay slips. We need to address the issue of bursary and if there are any legal documents required he needs to tell us early enough because there is a question mark on that one as they need more details on that issue prior to the approval of the by Controller of Budget. However that matter should rest with the mover of the motion. The mover of the notice of the motion should be able to bring a motion, do not be frustrated by laws and your regulations. Ensure all relevant laws are well articulated and when we move the motion we are within the law so that you don’t get embarrassed. By the time the motion is in the house those issues with the Controller of the Budget and Finance are addressed and are within the legal frame work. Hon. Jinaro Njamumo. Thank you madam speaker, the issue that has been raised by the hon. Deputy speaker is very important. Madam speaker because we are not coming to debate this motion today, when a motion like this is crowded by some cobwebs outside this assembly even before we discuss it, madam speaker with all due respect, it means there are some emerging centres of interest and power. This assembly is mandated as with it to pass the Appropriation Bill and the money we are talking about was captured in this Bill. What you have said madam speaker is that monthly disbursements have been properly communicated to all the counties including this one, but once we are making the requisition for the funds that are going to be disbursed at whatever time and in whatever phases, we believe that in the money for social responsibility even if it is one month it will have to be disbursed to our account. What was there madam speaker notwithstanding what hon. Kinyua has said, when we laid this motion there before, it was committed to the Committee of Education and the purpose for that was to have the policy framework on how we would want the disbursement and once the money has been okayed for expenditure, am not aware this is a matter we need direction on, the leader of the majority here, being the link between this assembly and the executive should be giving us information regarding what is happening and realizing that this is a serious matter, we do not want this assembly to come into conflict with the executive. The executive should be told to leave us alone to deliberate on this motion, we give our good resolution that will help our people outside there. Notwithstanding what has been said, it is said there outside there are people who have formulated forms that will be used to disburse the bursaries. I would urge the leader of the majority communicates this to the governor that this one is stood over. Let them give us time to deliberate the motion and if there is any engagement of input that the executive may want to put into this motion, it should come to the house or the relevant committee. I would urge that this be handled with a lot of care, the executive especially the CEC members do not have the pain of what we are going through and clearly the governor should be told they should stop and leave us to give any impetus to this motion so that we help our people. Thank you, madam speaker. Hon. Speaker. May be on a point of clarity. Is this fund with the executive or the assembly? It is with the executive. Is that the position? Hon. Jinaro Njamumo. It is with the executive but the executive cannot disburse money unless this assembly gives a good formula on how the money is going to be given out. We would not want a scenario madam speaker whether a CEC member for education goes to my ward to give bursary without my input. That is why we are saying members of the County Assembly be involved in identifying the needy cases. That is where we are madam speaker. Again in our budget, we do have the social corporate responsibility money; even that one will be captured once we give the resolution in this motion. We have both, in the executive and the County Assembly. The requisition that was given by the former interim County Clerk Mr. Nzioka had some amount of money for corporate social responsibility and this money of course when the first disbursement is made a portion of it will be used to assist the needy cases. Hon. John Nyaga Waruri. To respond to what Hon. Njamumo is requesting, I was made aware this afternoon by the CEC Education that they are going to sit on Thursday, the cabinet, to have a better way of issuing assistance to needy cases. And I thought because I was not involved, I was not a member of the Education Committee, I thought the chairman Education and the CEC Education and the committee should have come up with a formula of how they are going to do it. But I told the CEC Education that I would want to go and see her tomorrow to find out what she has in mind. She also told they want to use the education system of giving assistance to needy cases which may also different from what the CDF is currently doing and what the former councils were doing. At the moment I don’t have more information but I will try to find out possibly by next week to give the assembly a good answer. Hon. James Kinyua Mutugi Well madam speaker, there is something I want to bring to the attention of this house, on the general overview of the MCA’s resolutions as perceived by the executive. This is a matter that requires even if it is a Kamukunji with his Excellency the governor because we cannot and I repeat without fear of contradiction as a committee on education be sitting and coming up with proper documentation and in fact if am not wrong we even involved the CEC Education herself. She came, sat where we are, and we agreed on how these issues are going to be handled. Again when it comes to our notice that was not final, something else has to be done to completely alter the decision of the committee came up with, then madam speaker I would want to understand why we were elected in the first place and why we need to have a committee on education. I want to say by extension that this is something that has happened not only in the education committee but we are aware that there are some employments that are due in process in the ministry of health, that members of this County Assembly are not involved. They do not know, they are now aware and are seeing posters for application and being brought the posters by members of the public. We want to be mud slug and this house is under siege madam speaker. Somebody is trying to misuse the powers of this house and belittle the powers of this house. Madam speaker I want to say were in the papers as one of the counties that is misusing or using money without the consent and approval of this house. This must stop madam speaker otherwise we are out to lose our value. We are out to lose our powers as enshrine in the Standing Orders, in the County Government Act and in the constitution itself. Madam speaker am only praying that this house be protected by way of following the due process of law when doing things as they are supposed to be done. Hon. Speaker. May be before I allow honourable Gudson, am aware that we provide oversight and they think that we want an increment but as went for training, I don’t know whether its Utalii, we were explained how you can work it out so that the monies comes from the executive and you are only giving that role, your role is just to, may be select the beneficiaries and even ensure that the oversight comes in hand. I think and that’s what I was saying before even I bring a motion if we can engage what their challenge is because their problem is they are not understanding oversight plus even remuneration. So that they understand that it is not that we are implementers. We only want to participate and that decision making like MP’s do. So what we are saying is that I believe it is an issue of understanding before we do the motion, they need to go back to the executive again of education and even see the governor through the majority leader if need be so that the understanding is there and that the role of each member is well articulated so that there is no fear of implementation now instead of oversight because that I believe is their fear. But if it goes beyond that, a report can be brought in this assembly then we will ask experts because we are entitled to experts in various committees to give guideline if that one will not break the statement. So I still as the speaker feel like we need a report, we need to go and engage further, and then do an official report because you tell us you engaged the CEC. This house is not officially provided with the report on what you concluded from that end. You need to bring a report to this house, we adopt it then we are able to support, but anything now you did with the CEC out there without this house been embraced or seized with this adoption, becomes challenging and it amounts legally as a hearsay but we do appreciate and respect that what you are saying is right without even seeing the documents, however I don’t know to look like am encouraging decisions which have not been adopted by the house. So go engage the executive, the governor bring a report to this house with the challenges if they are still there, and even when you agrees, it’s good that this house knows that you have agreed on the following so that it can adopt a report and now we work on that report. That is how we can legally ask the question. We cannot now question the CEC as this assembly with an authority without adopting a report here. That is how it works in the counties and even in the council it was the same. So kindly provide a report so that we close that report and engage as much as possible and bring a report for adoption so that we are able to officially challenge them if need be. So can that matter rest there? We rest that matter there so that we hear other notice or motion. Any other? There was this issue of legislative committee; was it withdrawn or it was a substantive motion? %%%%% This is not the official Hansard. Obtain certified copy from the Clerk.%%%%%
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 06:27:34 +0000

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