Notice the heart is where the seat of the individual soul resides. - TopicsExpress


Notice the heart is where the seat of the individual soul resides. Consciousness evolves through oxygenation of your blood. The egg shaped sphere in the heart is depicted as emanating or radiating five luminous white rays. These rays are those of the subtle Pranas which irradiate life and vitality throughout the individual human being. Here we see various orbits of influence within the heart, in addition to seven chakras, three bodies and five sheaths, all of which compose the human being.The golden sheath of the divine city rests within the heart it is known as the bliss sheath which is a mass of light filled with bliss, it has its abode in the subtle area of grape-sized hollow of your physical heart, the repository of blood. Bliss and ecstacy actually produce something in your Genes and Blood (your DNA) which makes you able to be sustained and immortal. It is in the castle of this causal sheath that the immortal individual soul abides with its supreme all-powerful, omniscient, adorable creator. The temple of a yogi is inside the heart alone. Here, the vision of Divinity, the nectar of bliss. The Bliss Sheath is the place in which you grow fully connected to creation, the flow of creative energy seen and unseen that is pervasive everywhere without exception. It is the air you breath, the sunshine, water, it is every organism, and this creative energy is in every human being. As this energy of creation flows it transforms consciousness or an idea into created form and substance. (
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 23:07:12 +0000

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