Nottingham has got an incredible Medilink bus service. Mainly - TopicsExpress


Nottingham has got an incredible Medilink bus service. Mainly because the car parks at the QMC and City hospitals are so rubbish. But it is free and it is regular. You park your car at the free parking park and ride and catch the bus which arrives every ten minutes. I had an appointment today at the City hospital so I parked at Wilkinson Street and caught the bus. At the hospital there was no waiting. Straight in and the appointment took less than five minutes. I got back to the Medilink bus stop and the bus duly arrived. I sat next to an elderly gentleman – very old fashioned with a muffler, cloth cap and an overcoat on. The bus only went two stops before the doors stopped opening and closing. The driver had to get out of his seat and press the open and close button above the door to let people on and off. He radioed through to control and told them and they told him to carry on with the rest of his journey to the Queens Drive Park and Ride where someone would be there to look at the bus. The driver asked if his passengers should be told to get off the bus and wait for the next one. Control asked why because that is where he had to go anyway. The driver responded by saying that he had to keep getting up and down out of his seat to open and close the doors. The owd lad next to me erupted. “ Call THAT a bloody job? I were down’t pit when I were fourteen. Did fifty years. Did I moan about hard work. You don’t know you are born. Now get yer fat arse out of that chair and press them buttons to open and close them bloody doors because if you want me off this bus you will have to throw me off and I might be nearly ninety but I will give you a good run for your money!!!!!” The other passengers clapped and cheered. There was a glow coming off the driver’s face and it wasn’t from the dashboard lights.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 21:32:26 +0000

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