Nov 1, 2013 LAX SHOOTING: As I write this, Lori and I am in shock - TopicsExpress


Nov 1, 2013 LAX SHOOTING: As I write this, Lori and I am in shock and experiencing many mixed emotions. Those of you who know me, now how private I am and rarely write updates on my life. Im writing this because it is my way of healing and because, my phone is blowing up. Lori Kort and I carpooled to work together this morning. We arrived at LAX, parked in the airport structure today instead of the... employee lot. We arrived at 0900, chk-in time was 0955 for an ORD turn. We went thru KCM/TSA, went into the bathroom next to the TSA chk-pt to freshen up and were in there for about 20 minutes chatting about MAC concealer and how good of a product it is. We were about to leave to walk to the Village to chk-in. Suddenly, Lori shouted, Lydia, theres a shooter, a shooting! Come, come on, come on! I thought it must be a mistake, but I heard people screaming and running, I heard Freeze and I thought, actually I was hoping, it was just another TSA Freeze drill...we were both in disbelief. Lori and I grabbed our suitcases and moved it against the wall in the lav...the wall is not visible from the bathroom door. (Theres no bathrm door) We did that so it wouldnt appear that anyone was in there. Lori said should we go and then started to leave the bathrm. We had to use our instincts and decide, Do we run out of the bathroom or stay...? It was also difficult to decide which stall to go in, and should we go in the same stall. We didnt want to be held captive in the bathroom, nor did we want to face the shooter. We went into separate stalls and placed our feet on the toilet seat. We heard 2 shots fired into the bathroom, it rang and echoed in the bathroom...we smelled smoke. I thought I heard a gun being reloaded... At 0920 I called Crew Scheduling and whispered my name, crew ID and that there was a shooter in LAX and that we were in the bathroom. He couldnt hear/understand me, but I hung up because I didnt know if the shooter might hear me. I didnt even call 911 (I figured TSA already had), nor family members...I called CSS worried about our chkin time, but I also figured they could contact my emergency contacts on file if need be. I txtd a couple of people..which wasnt easy, as my hands were shaking and I suddenly couldnt remember who I should txt. I then turned off my ringer. At this point, there was a haunting silence, except for the sounds of shooting down our Terminal 3. No voices. Lori and I were waiting to hear Police Officers, TSA, come rescue us. The next few minutes, approximately 5 or more...were the most agonizing, terrifying that we have ever experienced. Many thoughts went through our minds...such as, were we going to be shot or rescued. The silence was very haunting, so surreal. Ive never heard the airport or any public place so quiet. I also kept wondering how many shooters were there, is this another 9-11, do they have grenades, what are the shooters plans? I wanted to get out of the airport so bad. I kept praying over and over, as if hypnotized, Lord have mercy on us...Jesus please help us, keep the shooter away. I alos began to hyperventilate, and almost fainted...but told myself to stay strong. We wondered Why are the police taking so long, why are there no update announcements being made...? I have no words for that period of silence....the unknown was a horrifying experience. After what seemed like an exhausting long time, we heard a male voice shout Put your hands up. Lori put her hands up after she saw someone in the stall next to her do so. I did not, I didnt know if the unidentified voice was was the shooter or a cop. Then he commanded loudly, Come out of the stalls! After I heard another woman and Lori unlock the stalls and not get shot at, I was still hesitant and scared but I unlocked mine and came out with my hands up in the air. There was one more young lady in the last stall who came out last..she was fearful of coming out as well. She only came out because the first lady to come out said aloud Its ok. I was so overcome with emotion, mostly joy and gratefulness that it was a Swat Team Officer. He shouted at us to first I started to leave without my luggage (because it would slow down my running) but I saw Lori take hers so I did too. Loris thought was In the event of an emergency, leave your luggage behind... We ran through the KCM security area, as we did a numerous amt of armed police/swat team ran past us in opposite direction, into the terminal, shouting...Run..Get out of the way! I shouted back Thank you, thank you, thank you. We ran to Loris car, the whole time I was shouting Run...Lori had begun to walk and said We are safe now. I was running ahead of her, I didnt feel that we were safe yet. I wasnt about to let my guard down yet until I was out of the LAX area. I shouted again for her to run. There were some people scattered about the 4th floor (where we had parked) shouting whats going on...and the young lady in the bathroom with us said, Where do we go? When we got to her car, I shouted, Get your keys, open the door! The lady in her 50s that was in the bathroom with us had followed us and asked if she could come with us. She had left all her belongings at security chk point, including her shoes, phone,wallet. We dropped her off at a hotel on Century Blvd...Lori and I each gave her $20, and Lori had some flip-flops in her car that she gave the woman. I hugged her and I told her God Bless You. She held on to me and began to sob, as did I. I felt like I was abandoning her, I didnt want to leave her. I dont know how Lori drove us home...I called Crew Scheduling and notified them that we are both ok and driving home. I could see on the northbound side of LAX the traffic had come to a complete stop, the frwy was blocked by police. There were helicopters flying everywhere...sirens, ambulances, fire trucks, police cars... I have to say a majority of our Inflight training came into play here...all well as my American Red Cross training. Several critical decisions had to be made at a moments notice, we also had to trust our survival instincts and follow them. We also had to remain situationally aware. We are ever so grateful and thankful to the Swat Team Officer who came to save us. Thank you to Virgin America for care, and support, for checking up on us. Our prayers and thoughts are with all those affected, especially our beloved teammates who were in the terminal. Thank you to our family, friends, coworkers for checking up on us. We love you all..and thank you God. Please live your dreams, hug your family and loved ones, tell them you love them. Cherish life, as it changes in the wink of an eye. Doug Stewart Lydsy Im glad you are okay! Thats crazy! November 1 at 1:47pm · Unlike · 1 Karen Keim OMGOSH LYDIA!!!!! Im so glad you are okay!!! Thank you for the detailed update!!! November 1 at 1:52pm · Unlike · 1 Julie Himes Wilcox I just read about this on AOL then went to Facebook and saw this. Praise God it turned out the way it did. Take care of yourself. November 1 at 1:57pm · Unlike · 1 Letty Bueso Ohhh, my goodness I am so glad everything is OK!!! God Bless you and Lori, Lydia, and I hope the lady is OK also!!! November 1 at 2:12pm · Unlike · 1 Dana Krueger Lydia so glad you are ok!!! November 1 at 2:34pm · Unlike · 1 Julia Jacoby Lackey Oh Lydia!!!! You poor thing....all of you at the airport today....I feel so sorry for all of you! I will pray for you all! November 1 at 3:11pm · Unlike · 1 Suzie Colbert Wow, Lydia! Unbelievable! Glad you are safe! Thanks for sharing your horrifying experience with us. You, Lori, and the woman you helped will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight. November 1 at 4:05pm · Unlike · 1 Kerry Rutkin I can just picture where that all happened. To say that we are thankful you and your friend were not harmed is an understatement. Jane and I both hope our paths will cross someday soon! November 1 at 4:12pm · Unlike · 1 Sharlene Kirk I have tears in my eyes reading what you had to go through and glad that you and Lori are ok. It does take time to heal when you go through any type of trauma. Seek help if you cant cope with it. Sending you big hugs and prayers... November 1 at 4:21pm · Unlike · 1 Yves Arispe Prima!!! Que loquera! Thank God you guys are safe! What a scare! We send you lots of love! glad you have a company that has a good relationship with its employees and good training. tomate una copa de vino, reflect and give thanks to your Health. Big hug! November 1 at 4:25pm via mobile · Unlike · 1 Wayne White Wow! November 1 at 4:37pm · Unlike · 1 Lydia Lydsy I love all you all, i mean that...thank you for your prayers and for reaching out to me... November 1 at 5:57pm · Like · 3 Wayne White I am just glad you are alright, Lydia! November 1 at 10:39pm · Unlike · 1 Lydia Lydsy Yves, ha, me tome 3 copas de vino anoche...jejeje November 2 at 4:17pm · Like Lani Meyer So glad youre alright. To be so close to such a tragedy, you and your friend were certainly being watched and protected. You are living right Lydia and God has a plan for you. Be well my friend, and my prayers are with you. xoxo November 2 at 4:54pm · Unlike · 1 Lydia Lydsy Lani! Oh my dear friend from good ole UAL HNL international days...first we experienced 911 now this...yikes. Im grateful for friends such as you...thank you for reaching out! I sure miss you all and would love to attend the next pineapple reunion, if someone could kindly add me to the list! Aloha Lani, hope you are well. Thank for reminding me God has a plan...its comforting to have you tell me that. XO November 2 at 5:19pm · Like Colleen Colmenares So glad you are safe! What a horrible thing to have to go thru. November 2 at 8:12pm · Like Alicia Wells How absolutely terrifying. So happy to hear you are safe! November 3 at 6:22am · Like Jessica Wingett Glad you are okay. A big hug to you and to Lori. Your guardian angels were looking out for you today. November 1 at 1:20pm via mobile · Unlike · 1 Wendy Shintani Yoshikawa Oh. My. God, Lydia! I am so glad you are okay! What a traumatizing experience that was! Please contact your local VA Employee Assistance Program (I hope you have one) as going through something like that may have the after effects of post traumatic stress. Writing about it is definitely important to get it out as part of the healing process. Please call me if you need to talk. I will pm you my #. Take good care, sweetie. Xoxo November 1 at 1:27pm via mobile · Unlike · 2 Brigitta Osterholt sending you lots of hugs November 1 at 1:28pm · Unlike · 1 Tricia K Papesh Thank God you are okay!! November 1 at 1:29pm via mobile · Unlike · 1 Bebe Q. Mee-Lee Oh Lyds! Im glad youre ok. Thank you for sharing.... Its cathartic..... God is good! Take good care. November 1 at 1:32pm via mobile · Unlike · 1 Alta Rebero Chadbourne OMG!! I am so glad you and Lori are safe at home right now. November 1 at 1:33pm via mobile · Unlike · 1 Armando Fierros O my god! Sooooo happy you to amazing ladies made it out safe. My heart fell for both if u. Unbelievable!! Xoxo call if you need anything. November 1 at 1:36pm via mobile · Unlike · 1 Armando Fierros Lori King Kort November 1 at 1:37pm via mobile · Unlike · 1 David Baron Im so happy you are ok! November 1 at 1:38pm via mobile · Unlike · 1 Jennifer Carlson Wow... how scary! I am so happy you guys made it out of there. Crazy... November 1 at 1:44pm via mobile · Unlike · 1 Grace Lambert OMG Lydia! So glad you are okay! Praying for you!! LOVE YOU!! November 1 at 1:48pm · Unlike · 1 Sari Chase Thank God you are safe! What a scary experience! November 1 at 2:10pm via mobile · Unlike · 1 Benjamin Eye Such a terrifying experience - so relieved you were not harmed! November 1 at 3:39pm via mobile · Unlike · 1 Norma Casey May God heal you and Lori of this trauma in the brevity of time. Good job girls; Im proud of you and your training. November 1 at 3:59pm · Unlike · 2 Liza Moreno-Tingle I was sooooo HAPPY to hear your voice Lydia!!!! Thank You for calling me, I was soooo worried for you! ((Hugs)) November 1 at 8:32pm via mobile · Unlike · 1 Joyce Chamberlain Wow! Thanks for sharing this Lydia. Im so touched and glad you are safe. November 1 at 9:33pm via mobile · Unlike · 1 Anna Stidham Thank God you girls acted so quick and used your survival instincts and training! I cant imagine how scared you were. Wish I could be there to hug and comfort you. November 1 at 10:37pm via mobile · Unlike · 1 Ray Ricky Rivera Wow. November 2 at 12:31am via mobile · Unlike · 1 Cathy Countie Devall Wow! So glad you are safe! November 2 at 6:08am via mobile · Unlike · 1 Na Kol Carreira Thats an amazing story. Thank you for sharing. & thank you for being so brave. I luv ya girl. I want to see you soon, no more delays
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 11:40:29 +0000

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