Nov 28, 2008 Hawaiian Kingdom’s National Holidays King - TopicsExpress


Nov 28, 2008 Hawaiian Kingdom’s National Holidays King Kamehameha Day was established through a royal proclamation in 1871 by Kamehameha V to celebrate and honor the memory of his grandfather, King Kamehameha I, also known as King Kamehameha the Great, who successfully unified the Hawaiian Islands under one rule and stands as an exponent of Hawaiian self-determination. The first observance of this public holiday was held on 11 June 1872. Ka La Hoihoi Ea originated on 31 July 1843. Admiral Thomas ordered the lowering of the British flag and the Hawaiian flag raised with the restoration of the Hawaiian Kingdom in a ceremony held at Kulaokahua, known today, in his hnor as Thomas Square. Kamehameha III proclaimed a 10-day holiday and throughout his reign, July 31st was celebrated as Ka La Hoihoi Ea or Sovereignty Restoration Day. From the Kings speech cme the motto for the Haawaiian kingdom, Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono. The alleged-State of Hawaii translates this as, The life of the land is preserved in righteousness. Others would interpret it as, The sovereignty of the land is maintained by pono or righteous behavior. Still others have their own interpretation of it. Ka Makahiki is a traditional Hawaiian season called Makahiki. This celebration lasted for four months and included great feasts and games. During this time, wars and conflicts were strictly forbidden. The harvest was completed and it was a time for rest and recreation. It also gave the land time to rest as well. It was time for offering to Lono and tax-time for the aliinui. As far as the early Hawaiians were concerned, the Makahiki was their time for peace on earth and goodwill toward men. There was extensive gambling and some to extremes; but it was back then. La Kuokoa marks the day, November 28, 1843, that the Alii Timoteo Haalilio, sent as part of an envoy by King Kamehameha III, succeeded in obtaining the signatures of the authorities of Great Britain and France on a treaty recognizing Hawai..i as a sovereign nation. Haalilio, with the ex-missionary William Richards along as his secretary, traveled through Mexico on foot and donkey to Washington D.C., where they met President John Tyler. Haalilio and Richards, armed with his agreement, then went on to Europe: to Belgium, Paris, and London, where the treaty was finally signed by those countries. They returned to the United States to cement U.S. agreement. On the journey home Ke Alii Timoteo Haalilio died, on December 3, 1844. In 1856, Alexander Liholiho (King Kamehameha IV) declared December 25 to be his kingdoms National Day of Thanksgiving. Two years later, Santa Claus made his first appearance in Hawaii, arriving at Washington Place (now the governors residence) to deliver gifts for the children. The King reaffirmed the freedom of religion; hence a day of Thanksgiving whereby everyone could celebrate that day according to their religious or personal dictates. The first Christmas celebration in Hawaii is believed to have occurred in 1786, when Captain George Dixon, docked aboard the Queen Charlotte in Waimea Bay on Kauai, commanded his crew to prepare a Christmas dinner that included roasted pig, pie and grog mixed with coconut milk. The English navigator then led his men in toasts to their families and friends back home. Dec. 6th - St. Nicholas Feast Day - A day of giving. The 6th of December is St. Nicholas Feast Day whom it is he that the idea of gift-giving originated; we know him today as Santa Claus. Its a day to reflect on our actions throughout the year. The greatest gift people can give is Love. Love for one another. Presents are irrelevant; but the thought of others and the love for each other is paramount. Like in most cultures, we find reasons to celebrate and party-hardy. Its a time for good-fellowhip and a reconfirmation that you are thought of by others, whether you know them or not. Its a wonderful time to appreciate everyone and that they have made a difference in someones life. Its a time to extend your hand to one another and wish for peace, happiness, and love for our fellowman/woman. In light of all this, I extend my hand, arms to embrace you all with love, peace and goodwill to all of you; especially on this special day when we celebrate a person that reminds us that there are others that have no one to show them that they are loved unconditionally. May your holiday season be filled will love and thank you for making a difference in my life and of those others that dont have anyone to give them a hug and say everything will be all right. Love, Tane Hawaiian National Memorial Observation, following in the path of Hawaiian ancestors who marked the 30th day of December as the Hawaiian Memorial day. This was the date that Kamehameha III proclaimed a memorial Day in deference to Nahienaena, his sister who had just passed away. Its an opportunity to give members of the public an occasion who may wish to remember and memorialize Hawaiian national leaders who have passed away and also our loved ones who have ua hala or passed on from this earthly life. Food for thought: 30th of November is our Memorial Day. Why not start a tradition of sharing kulolo on that day in rememberance of our kupuna and loved ones who have departed. We could share small individual wrappings of it; larger portions to families; and serve it as a dessert in a paina we could hold on that day or New Years eve? Other celebrations under the Hawaiian Kingdom that were much celebrated but not proclaimed as a national holiday were Christian holidays, such as Easter and the New Years Eve/ New Years celebration, the Chinese New Year, and the observance of the closing of the Makahiki season.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 03:04:28 +0000

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