Nova Star layover costs unknown /MICHAEL GORMAN PROVINCIAL - TopicsExpress


Nova Star layover costs unknown /MICHAEL GORMAN PROVINCIAL REPORTER / mgor [email protected] @MichaelTGor man As the Nova Star ferry remains docked in Shelburne, the com­pany that operates it is unwilling to say how much it’s paying to tie up in the South Shore town and the government doesn’t seem to know. A spokesman for Nova Star Cruises said in an email Tuesday that “there is a cost associated with it, which Nova Star is incur­ring. The company, however, re­ceived $5 million from the province in October to help settle its books for the 2014 season, with room built into that funding for contingency costs. That money came after the service exhausted a $21-million fund that was to span seven years. While the money being used to pay the docking fees comes from the taxpayers, Economic and Rural Development Minister Michel Samson said Thursday he doesn’t know how much the lay­over is costing as the company continues to pursue winter work. Samson said his department would “look at the possibility of releasing the berthing fees if they are submitted by Nova Star Cruises as a request for reim­bursement. He was non-commit­tal when asked if he’d instruct his department to obtain and release the figures. “(Considering) the challenges faced by the vessel, on order of priority, the berthing fees in Shel­burne doesn’t rank very high, said Samson. “We want to ensure that that vessel does find winter work, that it is able to generate revenue in the off-season and that there is an agreement in place for that ferry service in 2015. The province stepped in this autumn to compel the company to release executive salary numbers when requests for the figures had been denied. Samson said an audit of the service by KPMG remains ongoing, and he’s uncer­tain when it will be complete. The minister recently met with executives from ST Marine, the ship’s owner, to discuss the future of the service and a $3-million contribution that is supposed to come from the Singapore com­pany.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 17:08:48 +0000

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