Novel: Space Avenger Kittarri race and class. - TopicsExpress


Novel: Space Avenger Kittarri race and class. Creatures Ships Story Character Each Kittarri is from a different part of their planet called Maldromah. Starting with the Lupreen- These Kittarri are very intelligent , very tall with a yellow and black carapace like a Bee. Afts are chosen from this class. 1- Pleiadians- humanoid Kittarri baring two legs instead of multiple. This is the highest cast of Kittarri noble ship. 2-Arturians are monstrous Kittarri also more humanoid like the Pleiadians, this is the Kittarri warrior society , all ruler come from cast of Kittarri , Arturians also move on two legs. 3- Ashtar- are the gigantic four to six legged Kittarri better know by the humans as an enforcer or Jugganaughts. Galactic Alliance Of United Nations (GAUN) is what left of the earths government, Fleet Admiral Alexander Carter is one of the heads of GAUN as well as his diplomatic Daughter Lauren Stockard-Also a top polite with the Sky Hawks (first class Petty Officer) Commander 5- Andromeda .Scout Lunki- gigantic bug that look like a beetle (. Their coloring is black and grey, the Kittarri knights use them as mounts . About the same size as horses the Lunki is swift with an exoskeleton of armored plates. Arrums- are the more common Kittarri animal, like hounds they prowling the battlefields scavenging whatever left behind by the Kittarri forces. These creature resemble earless wolves with a hard exoskeleton, their coloring is a dark grey and red. Aft(lord)Con-Lord Commander of Kittarri Legions. Mantis-The Kittarri Mother ship. All ships bare Insect like names, Scorpinox, Staranger-Etc Carapace-Kittarri battle suit-AI Controlled body units that attach to the body by neural implants and heightens strength and speed as well as response timing and healing. Ulpris-Kittarri enforcer-Large Kittarri males with six legs and small upper bodies.( like a spider with a mans upper torso) the enforcer units are for extreme and forceful deployment in any engagement of warfare. Enforces are know for their fierce fighting ability and straight forward destruction. Kittarri knight- Foot soldier ,infantry units, Wardogs) warriors all from hives that breed their Lavas for war. Kittarri Knights are fierce fighters who specialize in all avenues of warfare. Kittarri Pilot , workers, civilians. (Arrums) are a more exploring class of Kittarri males and females. Workers and scientist come from these classes and are used accordingly because if the lower class in Kittarri society. Nanomites- small metallic organisms that travel within the Kittarri blood. These minute creatures attach to any thing organic and transforms that organisms into a host that the Nanomites and live within. This allows the Kittarri to control the creature they have obtained in their travels through space and time. Ultramma-Greater, these Kittarri are Admirals and generals of the hive. As well as mate to the queens of their hive. Ultramma hail from the line of enforcers. Dinjun- a spider like creature fifteen to eighteen feet tall and just as wide. Dinjuns are usually peaceful and hail from a planet bristling with colorful forests. Since its abduction from its home world, the species have become more violent in all forms since the Kittarri fused their blood within the Dunjins body. The Dunjin have a armor plating that opens and closes as will to protect the creatures soft tissue within. Mantra-Flying drones that are apart of every Kittarri battle unit. Hives. Homes of Kittarri. Gigantic rocks that float around the home word Maldromah - a planet made of floating mountains within atmosphere. Kittarri use caves, rock cavities and hollow trees as natural nesting sites. Members of other subgenera have exposed aerial combs. The nest is composed of multiple catacombs, parallel to each other, with a relatively uniform Kittarri space. It usually has a single entrance. Western Kittarri prefer nest cavities approximately 45 litres in volume and avoid those smaller than 10 or larger than 100 like southern Kittarri. The Kittarri often smooth the bark surrounding the hive entrance, and the cavity walls are coated with a thin layer of hardened plant resin (propolis). These combs are attached to the walls along the cavity tops and sides, but small passageways are left along the comb edges.[4] The basic nest architecture for all Kittarri is similar: fuel is stored in the upper part of the comb; beneath it are rows of energy-storage cells, worker-brood cells, and drone-brood cells, in that order. The peanut-shaped queen cells are normally built at the lower edge of the comb. Anttic- A ant like creature the size of a cat with tracking ability , using their antennas. Extremely strong. Exoskeleton, black coloring. Centurion- Kittarri Mech- A robotic battle unit , shaped like Preying Mantis with wings and hook like hands that rip or shoot plasma. Centurions are 15 feet tall with extreme attack and defense capabilities. Plasma charged by energy batteries. Antis Basjorn- Kittarri King. Called the Greater. Aft-Connus- (Female Kittarri commander) known as the deaths hand and second in command to Antis Basjorn. Assassin class. Aft-Connus warriors are all females who wear all black body suits like ninjas. Teeha-Tai- lower class Kittarri pilot. Adam Stockard-Human-Kittarri / unknown origin. Earthling with Kittarri Nanomites intake into system. First ranger he becomes. To Kittarri hes known as Avalon. Avenger.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 01:27:28 +0000

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