Novel Title: Be Careful What You Wish For Written By: - TopicsExpress


Novel Title: Be Careful What You Wish For Written By: GlowingScenes -CHAPTER 22- Rachel Cross reported to her master-in-disguise how far the plan had gone and Sheila in turn reported how the football team had played their role. “she came to rehearsals today looking like a swollen lump.” Rachel couldn’t stop laughing . Even though she was helping Sheila to boost their crooked plan, inwardly, she wanted Josh as well. After the Romeo and Juliet scene they acted together, she couldn’t let her mind forget that kiss. Was this what Sheila had been privileged to have? Well, if Sheila couldn’t have him anymore, and She couldn’t either, then no low-life brat working as a babysitter in his house could have him either. She didn’t know who she was dealing with. Sheila smiled while Janice paid attention to her nails and blew a little air on them absent mindedly. Charlie had almost gotten into a fight yesterday due to his stupid pride and he had been reported but as usual, the case had been shoved aside. But he might get into some big shit which he wouldn’t be able to come out from, most especially if he keeps hitting on girls below his grade. What if he hits on a girl whose father is above his? Then that would be some serious trouble. She began to wish she had been enrolled into one of those private schools where rich kids were enrolled and not this one where some people didn’t even know their boundaries. People like this Scarlett girl that thought she could go out with Josh and get away with it And as for that Susan Brews who was beginning to act like she didn’t care and ruining people’s lives like hers, she was going to let her know that she had a boundary… And she’d better stick to it Sheila broke into her thoughts. �?’we’ll be working on the next plan.’’ Janice told Rachel. �?’you’ll come in very handy in this one since you take drama rehearsals with her. That Spam won’t see the end of me till she goes back to wherever she came from and stop taking whatsoever is not hers.’’ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Ryan was doing something on his phone when Rea appeared out of the blue and snatched it from his hand. “hey!…’’ he turned and saw it was his ex-girlfriend whom he was beginning to see in a different light. “c’mon, hand it over.’’ He stretched his hand towards her. “oops, sorry, you’ll have to do better than that.’’ She began moving backwards and glanced at his screen. He was playing a game. “seriously?’’ she raised her eyebrow on seeing the game and his highest score. �?’you can do better than this bro!’’ �?’did you just call me bro?’’ he looked amused and surprised at the same time �?’well I will beat you hands down Master Riverstone.’’ She mocked in a british accent and clicked on exit. “you don’t have to boast cos this is just a phone game y’know. There are other games out there you cant even compete with when playing with me.’’ “are you daring me.’’ She squinted feigning a serious look He spread his hands and shrugged. �?’a guy can boast. I’m that good.’’ “we’ll bet on it.’’ Rea moved close to him and pointed a finger at him. �?’tonight. You pick the place and time and I’ll be ready for you and beat the crap out of you you’re gonna suck up and weep like a baby! And whoever loses gets to sing to the winner for a whole week…and pay for dinner.’’ Ryan laughed and extended his hand for a bet shake. �?’you’re gonna love singing for me sweetheart. A lullaby perhaps.7pm’’ “make it 6. You’re gonna thank me for not making you sing in your underwear when you lose’’ She shook him and left him looking at her as she strolled off to class alone. Ryan was beginning to have doubts about them breaking up in the first place. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Rea and Susan grew closer each day and her parents were a little taken aback or rather surprised the first day Rea brought Susan over to her place and Susan could almost embrace her mother but greeted her politely instead before hurrying up the stairs with Rea. She knew they’d had their faults in the past but seeing her again brought back so many memories and she suddenly wished everything was back to normal again. The woman still looked young and beautiful as usual and one seeing her would think all was well whereas, so much was happening presently. Rea sat before the mirror while Susan worked with her hair straightener. Her hair had been dyed back to the normal blonde but some tangles were present. “if someone had said we would be visiting each other’s houses in the nearest future like this presently, I wouldn’t have believed it.’’ Rea laughed “me neither.’’ “and who in the world would believe you had a vulnerable side. The Susan Brews I’ve always known from afar was this tough chick who had any boy she wanted and did whatever she could and had the perfect brains and body to match.’’ She sighed. �?’never judge a book by its cover.’’ When she noticed Sue was quiet, she asked. �?’you okay?’’ �?’yea..i’m fine.’’ “you don’t sound fine to me..’’ “when was the last time you talked to your mum?’’ she blurted out. Rea’s countenance changed and she looked away. �?’why are we bringing her into this conversation?’’ “because she deserves to be treated as a mother, not an outcast.’’ “I think we’re through for now. Please drop the straightener thank you very much.’’ Sue grew angry. �?’need I remind you this is not yours, but mine. Everything here is mine. This house, this room, the clothes you’re even wearing and everything you even think is presently yours is mine!’’ “well, try telling that to the whole world sweetie’’ “you’re such a selfish little brat aren’t you! You think only of yourself. You don’t even care how others are faring, how much you hurt people around you including your best friend.’’ “ohh..the kettle calling pot black. You just actually described yourself. The only thing you didn’t add is the fact that your life is such a pathetic lie and you’re such a tool in the hands of everyone around you.’’ Sue’s hand cracked across her face and Rea jerked backwards at such an action before recovering her full stance and then reached for her hair but Sue was ready in turn for her. they landed on the floor and kept pulling and hitting at each other till Rea suddenly broke into tears. “I hate you, I hate my life and I hate everybody!’’ Sue sobered and closed her eyes when Rea stood up and hurried into the bathroom. After a while, she came out with eyes swollen. �?’I really want my life back.’’ “me too.’’ “I miss my mum. She might not know it but just seeing her everyday before leaving the house gave me a certain peace and comfort that I had a mother. I know I’ve been so selfish but I just couldn’t bring myself to forget what happened years ago.’’ “and you think she can?…do you know how terrible she felt for years about what happened. She had her demons and yet you made it worse. She finally finds a great guy and has three great kids but you act like you’re not even part of the family. I know my family is not the best to compare with yours, but yours is a place called Home. Your mum really loves you. The other day we spent time shopping and hanging out and Rick is just the best dad one could ever wish for.’’ �?’How come I was so blind?’’ “I wasn’t a better person either’’ For a while both were quiet and said nothing to each other. Finally Sue breathed. �?’I feel we’re losing Scarlett.’’
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 14:51:35 +0000

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