November 1, 2013 But faith...worketh by love. Galatians - TopicsExpress


November 1, 2013 But faith...worketh by love. Galatians 5:6 The Power of Love by Kenneth Copeland I used to wonder why we believers didnt see more of the power of God operating among us than we do. With what we know about faith and the Word, it seemed to me signs and wonders and miracles should be happening all the time. So, one day I asked, Lord, why isnt the power of God turned up to a higher volume in the Church? Do you know what He said? He told me we werent walking in enough love yet. God wants us to have power. But first, He has to be sure well use that power in love. He wants to know that we wont take it and mix it with judgment and criticism and blast people out of the water. Kenneth, He said, I cant afford to back your words with supernatural power in a church service on Sunday morning and then have you get on the freeway that night and lash out at someone because he pulled over into your lane. Youd blow him off the highway. I cant leave the power of Almighty God at a high volume in the mouth of an unmerciful fool. Then He reminded me of a time I took my son, John, hunting. He was just a little guy at the time, barely big enough to keep his gun from knocking him on his back every time hed pull the trigger. I was teaching him how to shoot, and he was coming along pretty well. That day we were walking along out at Glorias grandparents farm and John spotted one of the biggest tarantula spiders Id ever seen. It was clinging to the wall of the barn. When John saw that spider, he took aim. He was going to blow that bug away. If I hadnt stopped him, he would have too. And it wouldnt have dawned on him until it was all over that he was going to blow a hole in the barn at the same time. From my grown-up perspective, I could see that would be foolishness. He couldnt. He was looking through the eyes of a child. Do you want God to put a shotgun of spiritual power in your hand, so you can blow the works of the devil to kingdom come? Then focus on love. Pursue it. Practice it. Study it. Grow up in it. Then youll see the power of God operating through you
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 11:11:31 +0000

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