November 11, 2013 Heaven was home. Had been for millennia, yet - TopicsExpress


November 11, 2013 Heaven was home. Had been for millennia, yet that was about to change. Centuries came and went, and Anaelas beliefs never changed. The rest of the angels around her did, though, even if they were aware of it or not. Quietly, she had watched. Watched them talk in hushed whispers, behave strangely, and, on top of it all, renege. Many of them were not in heaven anymore, and though her heart ached for them, it was not her decision to make. Her life would go on, even if her uneasiness grew. It was watching the horizon how he found her. She had been surprised to see him and happy to know he was well. His expression worried her, though, as her dear friend expressed what was troubling him. Without thinking twice, she told him words that sealed her fate. She wont be alone, Enoch, no danger will come upon her His eyes were troubled, his demeanor changed. Nothing Anaela said made him relax completely, and as she suspected his eyes darted around, as if making sure their conversation was not being listened. She would not ask him because it would be futile; all in due time. Her posture didnt change after knowing who she was to be with. A spark of curiosity surged deep within her, but it was secondary to what was now important. Enoch knew she kept her promises, and knew her well enough to know that his beloved would receive the most tender care and attention once Anaela reached her. Ideas were discussed and plans were made. It would be the first time for her to venture out of heaven, out of the warmth and comfort it provided, but nothing mattered to her more than to aid her friend. She had been left alone for centuries and her promise wouldnt be the reason of disagreements. And so, she bid her goodbyes and went to her chambers. She stood beside the door for a moment, committing to memory where she had spent an uncountable number of hours. Although she was not sad, she would miss what it represented. Carefully choosing what she would bring with her to her destination, she ignored the nervous flutter of her wings. Smiling softly as she touched everything with the pad of her fingers, her eyes closed on their own volition as she readied herself mentally. Anaela would offer protection, comfort, solace and love to Enochs mate. It was, after all, part of her, of who she was. It didnt take long to fill the bag; she would have to carry it by carefully holding it to her front. Her wings, their color the purest white, had never taken her so far, but Anaela was confident and was sure of their strength. Once she took a last look at her chambers, she smiled briefly and headed out, bag in hand. She would not say goodbye; if she was to see the rest of the heavens habitants then so be it, her priorities had changed now. As she reached the zone in which she would take off, she gathered her hair and braided it so it wouldnt get in her face. Looking around, she relaxed her entire body and made her wings stretch to the fullest. Softly, she jumped off. She smiled as the air hit her face and made the white tunic she was wearing flutter. Even if the route she had to take was unknown to her, there was something pushing her towards one particular direction. Trusting her intuition, her wings fluttered and her eyes focused on her surroundings. Anaela had been told her destination was well guarded, so, in her mind she debated over the next course of action. The colors of the sky changed from bright blue to the black signaling that night had come upon her. Her wings were a sharp contrast against the starless sky. The cycle continued, and unaware of how much she had been flying except for her tiredness, she maintained the speed until she sensed something. Slowing down and stopping, she closed her eyes and focused on what she felt. Ah, there it was. She was close to the source, and after slowly following the invisible presence, she spotted a residence from afar, also known as her destination. There was more than one presence there, and thus, she opted to leave one of her precious feathers as a sign of her presence well before made her presence known. It would give the residents habitants time to ready themselves as well as a reprieve for her to rest and plan her next course of action. After several days of flying around and marveling at the structure and the things she knew nothing about, she took her bag from the place she had left it and started to make her way to the residence. Anaela was sure it would be quite the experience to learn all the human world had to offer, yes. She was further away when one essence seemed to be recognizable. Yet, it couldnt be possible... Wasting no more time, she landed in the front of the residence, bright light shinning, smiling softly and with the sun creating a perfect radiance. She waited until a woman with child and a very familiar being stood in front of her, and then, she spoke. I, daughter of Aingeal, have come to fulfill my promise.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 03:57:58 +0000

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