November 13, 2014 In case you think I forgot about Malaysian - TopicsExpress


November 13, 2014 In case you think I forgot about Malaysian Flight MH370, think again. Flight MH370 is lost . . . well no kidding! According to the latest article across the airwaves, at the end of 2014 the airlines will “officially” be lost. I must have been missing something for months, because I thought the plane was lost when it failed to show up in Beijing on March 8th of this year. And now a “private investigator” Michael Exner — a satellite and aviation expert — says that a criminal suspect is behind the missing plane tragedy. Where did he come up with the expertise and information for his theory? Just asking the questions my friends. It’s what I’m not paid to do. We have all heard the theories, from crashing into the sea between Malaysia and Viet Nam (remember they found a door that came from some airline early on in the South China sea? And then there is the infamous giant turn. But as I still stand on my soap box I CANNOT and WILL NOT emphasize enough that the LAST known ping came 200 miles northwest of Penang in an area that this author has said ALL ALONG that that aircraft will eventually be found. People have scoffed at me, but not all. You can read my previous posts on my facebook page. None have been removed. I have suggested Langkawi because it is a remote rainforest, as is Sumatra. And what about Sumatra? There have been some intelligence officials who also suggested that location as being a likely possibility. BUT ALL GOES FOR NOT, because of CNN’s pushing the defunct satellite company from London’s claim they tracked the aircraft when in fact, they never did (they admitted as much) and then CNN tied it to a statement made by Australian Transportation Minister and so forth. This is not internet fodder, folks the stories are ALL part of the public record, and I do not mean tabloid. It is summer in the south Indian ocean. Conditions will not be any better, yet not a single fiber of evidence has ever been seen (other than that airline jet door early on). I guess jet airline doors pop off fairly regularly these days. Bono’s private Lear jet lost it’s cargo door just last evening near London. Luckily it was not the main cabin door and was in a separate compartment that did not cause decompression of the entire aircraft or we might be minus one of the great recording artist/activist of the modern era and conspiracy theories would be piling up to the clouds. Anyway, the point being is that doors come off and who knows whether or not that happened on Flight MH370. But to declare it lost is like saying, water is wet. We all know that little piece of information. And what do the distraught families think of that startling nugget of news? How many trajectory arcs are they claiming to be part of the theory? And didn’t trajectory used to be a straight path? I think we are up to 7 or 8 maybe 12 arcs by now. Whatever happened to the mysterious satellite images of the submerged airline in the Bay of Bengal? They were more in line with the flight taking a beeline to Pakistan. And then there is the theory that the plane may have wandered into Chinese airspace and the Chinese shot it down and do not want to lose face so they have never even acknowledged such a theory. That really is not that implausible. With the “new” theory put forth by Mr Exner P.I. it makes one wonder what led him to surmise that “Flight MH370 was the result of a still-unknown suspect who is nothing less than a mechanical ‘“genius,”’ a capable hacker who knew how the jet operated and with adept skills capable of derailing the aircraft.” If we are tossing out theories why not say it was like that? BTW, for the record , I too, am a private investigator. I am even licensed by the state of CA and was a corporate Licensed Private Investigator in the state of Nevada for a few years. I was also a law enforcement officer, for which I am now retired. But I do not claim to be an expert of anything, although I like monster movies and I used to host my own TV show, but I never claimed to be a monster expert. I was just a fan. What qualifies one as an expert? Copious amounts of investigations, writing and publishing papers? Testifying in court as an uninvolved third party witness? And what about working years in a particular field, such as basket weaving. We do have basket weaving experts don’t we? I can tell you from first hand observation a lot of people testify every day. Do it enough and some judge might inadvertently declare the person as an expert, but there is more to it than a single declaration. I know a lot of emotionally disturbed people who write lots of things and sometimes they hand out their musings to mere strangers on the subway. Anderson Cooper is an expert, at reading from a teleprompter. He is also a journalist, and nothing more. Hell, weren’t all the students in Mrs. Melby’s 11th grade English class also journalists? She made us write daily in our journals. A lot of politicians on both sides of the spectrum are expert at bending and exaggerating and stretching the truth. A trait I would call “Lying, to fit their agenda.” I am just questioning one’s claim as a private investigator to come up suddenly with a theory that the plane was brought down by an outside source. I am telling you folks, unless they recover a black box and then we hear the captain and co-pilot laughing and suddenly the latch of a cockpit door opens and a third voice says, “Party’s over boys, and please next time mission Control gives you a heading, just acknowledge by saying “Good night.” After all, is that just another theory? Steven Smith Here’s the article I am referencing. examiner/article/mh370-lost-malaysia-airlines-flight-370-hijacker-an-expert-plane-hacker-update
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 21:41:02 +0000

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