November 13th 2014 marks 1 yr old for my Greedy Gabby. I have - TopicsExpress


November 13th 2014 marks 1 yr old for my Greedy Gabby. I have researched and researched prior to getting her. It took me 6 months to investigate and to finally made up my mind to which brand and which model to get and also thanks to the introductory offer at Isetan KLCC last year (as I missed the group buy from a group and couldnt afford to pay, cash). Since then I have been religiously and been so hardworking and juicing every single day. Even not having the energy in the morning I made effort to wake up and juice for me and hubby before he heads for work. I was like a walking zombie but enjoyed it. I must admit that I have wasted a lot of vege n fruits previously as wasnt used to juicing and didnt know what I needed and also washing and preparing took so long but now, its a norm and I save more time and cleaning is a breeze! I must advise that yes you are excited and would like to juice right away but its best to read up and understand the life of juicing and every ingredient as slow juiced juice is very potent and act instantly. I was also excited and tell myself that this is it, its time for me to change and get healthy! We (hubby n me) couldnt afford to purchase a rm2k worth and so we did the easy payment through credit card. I remember that at the time when we purchased we were so broke but I was getting so so sick and there wasnt any choice. Before getting greedy gabby I had a really bad gastritis attack where I couldnt eat anything at all, any form of food gave me pain and vomit. I couldnt even drink water. My diet at the time was lemon water, banana, brown rice (plain), potatoes and sweet potatoes, plain yogurt when I wake up and before bed is a must. I consume 4 1.5kgs of farm fresh yogurt every week. imagine how bad I was and my calorie intake was less than 500 a day and lost weight like mad in just 1 week. This diet went on for almost 3 weeks and when I felt better I consumed normal foods and it came back again. Then came greedy gabby into our lives. :D I took things really slow, imagine from being very sick and Dr visits are a norm from not having a single medication for almost a year? Thats really great for me! I was born with bronchitis with leads to asthma and sinus. I have gastritis, Ibs, rheumatism, migraine, insomnia, thalassemia carrier, back and muscle aches all the time (it sometimes snaps) and I am tired all the time. Allergic to chlorophyll, most fruits like watermelon, pineapple, oranges makes me wheeze, grapes and more. I enjoy my juice everyday and crave for it if I dont get any! It is a must for me every single morning and my hubby is very supportive as he sees me getting better each day. After 6 months juicing with fruits and proud to say I am on fully greens now except for adding lemon or lime in the juice! So so happy! I can tell you that when you are on pure green juice it is so totally different from juice with fruits added in. You basically dont feel tired at all throughout the whole day. I have low bp of 60/80 I know! Yup very low and I used to be super low with 50/70 so this is a really big achievement. Nope I have not done my blood test for this year since juicing, I am hoping for great improvement and quite excited! I am very grateful to have found Kuvings and everyone has been so helpful and supportive. Glad that I made that decision to get Her and changed my life totally. I am spreading my love for juicing with everyone and know and getting them to understand that in juicing there is no cooling nor heaty nonsense coz my body is cooling and heaty at the same time and is very sensitive. I even consume pineapple juice during menses, most of my juices are cold too right from the fridge, I seem to have no problem with it. I hope this post would encourage ppl like me to make a change in their lifestyle and diet, after all your body is yours and you know what it needs and dont worry about other ppl saying you are doing it all wrong. Just like a mother, knows whats the best for her baby. :)
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 08:20:27 +0000

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