November 14th 10:00pm Update: As I sit here next to dad my - TopicsExpress


November 14th 10:00pm Update: As I sit here next to dad my heart breaks and aches for his return to us. Yet somehow in the midst there is great peace that only Jesus can bring. We don’t fully understand all that the Lord is doing in this, yet we clearly see him working in our lives and the lives of those around us, and we praise Him. In the flesh this entire thing freaks you out. You see your dad nearly lifeless lying there, you can do nothing to save or sustain his life. Try as hard as you can, strive and much as you want, but you can’t save or sustain his life. Only the Lord can. In Christ Jesus all things are possible; he alone is the giver and sustainer of life. We say, “We trust you Lord. In all things good and in all things bad we trust you.” What is faith if we only have it when things are good and easy? What is faith if we only have it when things go our way? Faith is tested in the fire; faith is tested in the trial. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego only new they could withstand the fire because they had the faith to walk into it. Faith can spare us from trials like in Noah’s case… he was willing to look a fool by building the Ark. But when the rains came, he and his family alone were spared. But faith can also get us through the trial. It is faith that paves the way for miracles in our lives. UPDATE: So Dad has been out of the ICU for almost 30 hours. He has been sleeping the ENTIRE time. He’s hasn’t woken up one time. This is hard to see. But faith in me says, “The Lord is restoring him in his sleep and ministering to him as only he can.” His right side is limp and doesn’t move at all, his face sags from paralysis. This is hard to see. But faith in me says, “God is going to restore all brain function and strength and power to his body.” Dad has yet to say one word. This is hard to live with (what I wouldn’t give just to hear one of his stories, even the longest.) But faith in me says, “He is making new stories of heaven and God’s ministering love of grace and healing and will one day soon tell us the stories over and over… and over again.” Doctors say, “He cannot survive this without being in a vegetative state the rest of his life.” This is hard to hear. But faith in me says, “That is your report, but we will believe the report of the Lord. Jesus can raise him up to walk out of this hospital.” Today I had a picture of dad and I walking the hallways of the hospital shaking hands with and thanking all of the staff that has cared for him. If faith, I declared this and prayed this over him as he lay motionless on the bed. In faith I believe he heard me. Thank you for praying with us. In the end the Lord will have the final say and all the glory. We are asking him to grace us with more years. But at times I wonder if he doesn’t want dad to come home so He can hear the stories told back to him that he has been writing in dad’s life. In faith, Pray with us that God extends dad’s life. In faith, Pray that God raises him up. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for standing with us. The Thompsons
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 04:13:56 +0000

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