November 15. The one year anniversary of Jennys death or, more - TopicsExpress


November 15. The one year anniversary of Jennys death or, more accurately, the one year anniversary of Jennys new life in heaven. It has been a very difficult year of grief for our family, made more difficult by the fact that my Dad unexpectedly passed away 6 days ago too. It is difficult to process so much grief at once. Who would have thought that within a year of Jennys passing, my Dad would be with her in heaven. Jenny loved her Grandpa so very much and I rejoice that they are together again but the hole in our lives their absence leaves is huge. So today, as I reflect on the past year, I want to share with you some of the blessings that have come into my life during this period of hardship. I believe that God is good ALL of the time and I make a conscious effort to DAILY count my blessings instead of focusing on what I have lost. I journal almost daily because I want to be able to learn from this experience and because I want to record all of the ways God has blessed me during the most difficult days of my life. So, here is what I know for sure after a year of loss: 1. Hardships test our faith but they also strengthen our faith. I went through much questioning following Jennys death but God took my questions and gently reminded me that His ways are not our ways and that He knows what is best. Total submission to God means accepting His will for my life...AND Jennys. It is relinquishing control to Him. A very hard lesson to learn but oh so important if we truly trust God with every aspect of our lives. 2. Hardships become part of the foundation of our lives and they give us the courage to move forward. If we allow, they will draw us into a closer relationship with God. This year has drawn me into His Presence more than ever before. It has taught me to live in His Presence moment by moment. 3. The emptiness of grief brings the fullness of God. It doesnt seem possible that emptiness can bring fullness, but it does!!! When we are the most empty, we are most able to allow God to fill ALL of us. We come to the end of ourselves and must rely on God alone to heal, comfort, and strengthen us. He alone is sufficient. 4. Grief brings a change in perspective. Life is so short and fleeting. We need to enjoy and appreciate the beauty around us, every second we have here: the small moments as well as the big ones, our family and friends, the people God brings into our lives daily. Dont be too busy with things that need to be done. Invest in the lives of people as relationships are the only thing that we matter in the end. 5. The JOY of The Lord is my strength. I find it hard to believe that I can even write that I have Joy during this grief but it is true!! What I have learned this past year is that true joy has nothing to do with my circumstances. The joy comes from my position in Christ, from knowing that He loves me, that I belong to Him, I am His child, His is with me every moment. In all these things I rejoice despite my circumstances. Because I serve a LIVING God, I have a living hope, an inheritance in heaven, a future to be excited about!! 6. Gods Word is trustworthy and true. I spend time in the Bible every day and every day God speaks to me through His Word. He gives me a promise to hold on to, a word of encouragement, comfort, strength, hope, joy. His Word is alive and active in our lives. He wants to speak to us. Draw near to God through His Word and He will speak to you. I could literally go on for hours with all God has taught me. But what I really want to do is to encourage YOU. If you are going through a hard season of life, know that God cares. He WILL sustain you. He is holding your hand. He will carry you when you cannot walk. God is faithful and true. Allow Him to use the difficult times to weave a beautiful tapestry of faithfulness in your life. Be thankful in ALL things!! Its exactly what Jenny did with her life. And her life continues to speak to others even now. I so appreciate all of you for your support and love this past year. Thank you for sharing your love and memories with me. They continue to bring me much strength and comfort. Please feel free to share on this page how Jennys life has touched yours over the past year. What has God done in your life as you walked through your own journey of grief? I would love to hear your stories. And finally, to my Jenny, I still miss you every moment of every day!! You were such an important part of my live and I wasnt ready for the largeness of this loss and how big a hole your absence leaves. But God has been faithful to reach down His hand and lead me through this time of great loss. He is my strength and my song, my sufficiency. He is plugging up the hole in my heart with His love, with more of Him. Take good care of my Dad, your Grandpa. I know you rejoiced when he joined you in heaven this week. I take comfort in knowing you are together and will be waiting for the rest of us to one day join you both. Though my heart is heavy, I continue to find joy in God and His promises and I will continue to be thankful every day for the 21 years He gave us with you. I love you more than all the stars in the sky, Mom XXXOOO
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:23:04 +0000

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