November 17, 2014 - I Ching is so uplifting today. I Ching - TopicsExpress


November 17, 2014 - I Ching is so uplifting today. I Ching For The Week of November 17, 2014 #42 Yi Augmenting/Blessings in Great Measure Above: Sun Root/tree/foundation; standing on a firm platform to achieve a slow and nourishing penetration into the heart of the matter Below: Zhen Shake, arouse, inspire, excite; thunder rising from the Earth The Wisdom: All things are possible now. Energies are increased. Be generous and focused And your situation will flourish. Gaia and all sentient beings , you, have the window of opportunity opening into extraordinary times. In stillness you will find a refreshed cycle of personal growth, rejuvenation, increase, development and gain. You will sense these abundant times and will feel you need to go forward and seize the opportunity. While in certain times this is the appropriate act, that of the warrior, in this window just the opposite is called for. Stillness and mindfulness are now your allies to allow you to fully see what is possible. This is a time when you will see immediate benefits from trusting yourself. Trust that there are unseen forces at work that are augmenting your normal patterns of growth and gain. Look to any given situation in your life, be it your work, a relationship, your health, your art, or your inner development. Focus on how you want things to grow and change for the better; trust your intuition as to the process, and then from your stillness go for it. You will see positive results. With an open and fearless heart make a plan. Once you have made a commitment to your path and you apply the current energetics to the tasks ahead, make some preparations for the increase that is rapidly approaching. By putting energy that is infused with positivity into your movements, you will get what you want, no doubt about it; there will be an abundant harvest. So set the scene so that you can channel a portion of the bounty to the widest circle possible—family, tribe, associates, neighbors. Sharing the harvest (materially if you can and definitely spiritually, in terms of generating loving-kindness) is not only fun and satisfying; it is a vital component in assuring the return in the cosmic cycle to the freedom, peace, and abundance all are envisioning at this momentous time of shifting of the ages. Sharing like this allows you to join energetically with those of like consciousness, whether they are standing right by your side, are next door, or are on the other side of the globe. Come to know the importance of community in these times as you prepare to share good fortune that has been wrought from commitment and integrity. Family and friends are indeed important to recognize and embrace, however the benefits are to put first on your list your community and neighbors. The harmonic frequencies of combining your energies with the ones of like desires and of like mind are the fuels that can support during times of abundance and time of want. These movements please spirit. What has seemed in the past to be beyond your skills, influence, or capabilities is no longer your truth. It is time, with humility and grace, to accomplish the great work before you. Look at your fears, write them down and make a ritual of burning the paper, and blow the ashes to the wind in this way you will release yourself from old patterns of, doubt and fear. If you feel you don’t have enough of what it takes, know that enough is less than you think. Amaze yourself—jump into the void with all that you have and you will find your energy multiplying. In these moments visualize beneficent rays of light surrounding you, your family, and your tribe. Share the light you see and feel with a silent dedication. This time of augmentation has come about when one has done well and survived recent dangers and obstacles. Much has been integrated as a result of these recent experiences. You will be able to clearly see the tasks before you and will proceed with safety along your path, toward your goals. Find a way to share and work with others; this will increase opportunities and focus. These are awesome times of great abundance in all ways. Take time each day , or many times in your day, to find stillness and to be in gratitude for what has been your path and be open to what is on arrival. In these times the benefit is to consider Gaia, our earth and community in its wholeness, by contributing to an emerging planetary consciousness. This is what “sharing the harvest” denotes. The correct attitude at this time is to be confident. self-assured, generous and loving. Look to those who have gone before you and have, through their efforts, accomplished great things. Emulate their behavior and confident attitude. Mentors or guides may manifest at this time; look to them and find and amplify their qualities in yourself. Be gracious, ethical, and compassionate, and you will not only accomplish what the Tao calls the “great work,” you will also bring clarity to areas formerly clouded by doubts and fears. Know that at this juncture you are going to have help every step of the way. This is a precious time, when your guides, inner or outer teachers, and wisdom ancestors are right at hand, lending support that will deliver you from fears, doubts, and the nagging loneliness that you have felt whose source is so hard to pinpoint. Look to all the hurts of the ego and the heart that have blocked your progress over a lifetime. Through conscious awareness, and ritual, you can now let it all go and let love in. In your days be the light for your community and in so doing you will be the love you desire and admire. In Lakech: You are I and I am you
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 21:52:25 +0000

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