November 19, 2014 Along the Journey. Come! Let us Adore - TopicsExpress


November 19, 2014 Along the Journey. Come! Let us Adore HIM. Whose report shall we believe?! We believe the report of the LORD! If GOD be for us HE is more than the world against us. And no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Like a soldier garbed in military fashion, we put on the whole armor of GOD quenching every fiery dart, like a soldier HIS FAITH-filled WORD is our sword. Trust, when I say, HIS WORD doesn’t return void, but accomplish according to the truth spoken in HIS WORD. GOD is for me is my faith confession. I believe in the One and true and living GOD. Thats my faith acceptance through the salvation plan of Christ Jesus. We are given the free-will to choose. If one doesn’t choose HIS salvation plan and choose to reject HIS gift of peace, grace and mercy. GOD’s gift is not to be enforced upon those who adamantly don’t want it nor believe in it. We as believers should respect their choice to serve or not to serve HIM. Yes, we are given the choice “To believe or not to believe?” And Since JEHOVAH YAHWEH respects their freewill; surely, I dont have a problem with individual religious pursuits of people who don’t worship the way I worship. As long as their belief system doesnt entice them to hurt or harm others, my civic responsibility is not to engage in their religious affairs. My faith confession is that I believe. I accept the salvation plan of GOD. I didnt choose HIM. HE chose me... I responded, yes, my LORD. To answer HIS DIVINE call wasnt something I had to struggle with. I have always known HIM, since a child, I have always been aware of HIS Divine presence in my life. In my development for HIS appointed time didnt just start... HE’s preparing me for something, well. Thank you GOD for being with me through this journey of preparation for something good! That’s my story, my faith confession. And I’m sticking to it. A couple of days ago, my faith, love, and belief were tried in a way, a serious way. For a moment, it got a little rough… Along the journey. Come! Let us adore HIM.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 19:01:21 +0000

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