November 22- A Message to the Rich Verse- Command those who are - TopicsExpress


November 22- A Message to the Rich Verse- Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 1 Timothy 6:17 A small minority of rich people came to Christ in the first century and were members of the church. These people were way wealthier than other people of the church, but regardless they were there. Just as there are people of great influence and enormous wealth who come to Christ today and learn to faithfully attend church. This is the group Paul is talking to in 1 Timothy 6:17. He is saying it is okay to be financially blessed, because God wants His people to be blessed and have enough money to fund the ministry he calls them to start. What Paul is saying not to do is be “arrogant” and “put your hope in your wealth”. What does he mean by this? Just because you are richer than someone else does not make you better than anyone else. We come into this world with nothing and will leave this world with nothing. He also reminds us to not put our hope into things of this world. Why? Because life is unpredictable and money can be there in the morning and then be gone by night. It will leave you prideful when you have it and depressed when you don’t. If we aren’t to be prideful when we have it or put our hope in it, what are we supposed to do? Praise God for your financial blessings, give graciously and put your happiness in God who can fill you to the fullest. Today do exactly this! Questions- 1. What is the largest amount of money that God has ever entrusted to you? How was your attitude about yourself and others affected by your possessing such a large amount of resources? 2. Have you ever known someone whose attitude about others changed when money came into their hands? Did they flaunt their wealth and act so differently that it was obnoxious? After seeing how they acted, did their behavior make you inwardly decide how you will or will not act when money comes into your hands? 3. If God has found you faithful and has placed a large amount of financial resources at your disposal, are you regularly asking Him how He wants you to use that money? What is He telling you to do with that money right now?
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 11:00:01 +0000

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