November 22, 2013 Dear Parents, Guardians, and - TopicsExpress


November 22, 2013 Dear Parents, Guardians, and Citizens, Thanksgiving is next Thursday. I hope everyone takes a moment and remembers all the things for which they are thankful. In my home around this time we play a little game where we take random objects around the house and explain why we are thankful we have them. One example I got was a can opener, which may not be a very big deal, but if you only have a can of food to eat, suddenly a can opener is very important. Another was electricity. We take it for granted, but arent we all thankful when the power comes back on after an outage? Related to being thankful and appreciative, the PTA winter coat drive is mounting up to be a huge success! We have received several very nice jackets this year, which are meant to be donated to families who happen to be in a situation where they can‟t afford one right now. We are fortunate to live in a town where residents are proud to help each other. If you have a gently used winter coat, or if you need one, we shall be offering them at the PTA holiday family dance on the 13th. The dance is open to all families of students in the WINchester School. Admission is free, we‟ll have festive seasonal music, the PPPD will be fired up selling the best tasting popcorn this side if the Mississippi River and possibly the SFU will be frying up “snow-sprinkled fried dough” to support our new playground fund. What a night this will be! Also, if you know of someone who could use a jacket before the 13th, please give me a call or email, [email protected]. And related to the PTA, you should know your Winchester PTA received state-level awards last weekend. At the Grappone Center in Concord, the Winchester PTA was presented with the Gold Seal Award and Honor Roll award! It was very impressive! We have every right to be very proud of our PTA, now earning awards at the state level! I was also humbled and honored to be presented with the Administrator‟s Partnership Award for supporting our successful PTA. Being involved with the PTA is both rewarding and invigorating. I hope you will join us to create and implement programs that make a positive difference to children throughout your school. It is a winner organization and we are fortunate to have the talent that we do. Please consider joining us! Contact PTA president Kristin Landry at [email protected] for more information. Continuing the appreciation theme, this Sunday is the day for the Grace Christian Fellowship Church‟s turkey dinner. Beginning at 6:00 p.m. you are welcome to come join them for a delicious turkey dinner with all the sides to remind us of all the things for which we should be thankful. The church is located at 81 Ashuelot St. The dinner is free! If you have any questions please contact Pastor Worrell at 239-7441, or email him at [email protected]. I am pleased by the response to our online survey regarding the favorite books you read when you were a child. I‟ll continue to collect the information throughout the holidays and present the information at the beginning of the year. Wouldn‟t it be great if all our students read, or were exposed to the classics we knew! Just think of the great conversations between parent and child talking about Tuck Everlasting or Where the Red Fern Grows! When you have the opportunity please follow the link to take the survey. It‟s only a one question link: https://surveymonkey/s/2SWWJN7. Related to books, please don‟t forget we have books for you. A well-read society is a productive society. It behooves us to make books available for you and your children to read. If you have a youngster with a birthday coming up, we would be honored to come by and deliver a free age-appropriate book to him or her. Please let the office know if you would like us to bring the WINchester School Bookmobile to your house! Basketball season is right around the corner. The mighty Winchester Tigers have been practicing frequently and are getting ready to take on the Huskies from Monadnock in the first game of the year Tuesday, December 3rd. The girls‟ contest begins at 3:30 right here in our beautiful gymnasium. The boys‟ game begins at 4:45. Come out and root for your team! This year we are planning on having the PPPD at each home game to enhance the experience. Basketball is big in Winchester, and we are pretty good at it. There are few better ways to spend an afternoon than being with friends all cheering for the same cause! I hope you can join us, and don‟t forget your cowbell! Related to F-U-N, next Tuesday will be our annual “Funky Hat Day!” All students who have an activated Gold Card or Silver Certificate or who have not had a behavior infraction during the last two weeks are encouraged to wear the „most funky‟ (yet appropriate) hat they have. This is one of the rare times we permit students to wear hats in our public building. The last time was a Red Sox World Series victory. Although we do not condone hats in public buildings, we appreciate that this is a school full of children and we are willing to bend the rules a bit for this event. Due to the fact there will only be two school days next week, I‟ll send my next newsletter to you on Friday, December 6th. Both Monday and Tuesday are full school days. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Jim Lewis Puzzler: Understandably, Gobbles is very nervous about the approaching Thanksgiving holiday. Sure, Gobbles may not be the smartest turkey to ever attempt memorizing all four stanzas of the National Anthem, but he understands when potential stranger danger is nearby. All of his friends have assured Gobbles that they will stay with him every minute throughout Thanksgiving Day. If Thanksgiving begins at midnight on November 28th and ends at midnight on Friday, November 29th how many minutes in all will Gobbles‟s friends stay with him? Answer to last week’s puzzler: Gobbles can get the Pivoting Penguin for $126.75. Congratulations to: Robert L., Mike L., Lauren E., Zach M., Robbie H., Claudia N., Jamiah H., Shelly M., Sean F., Jennifer L., Erica L., Johnathan D., Mary C., and Abigail L. who submitted the correct answer. Remember, beginning in December, anyone who submits a correct puzzler answer will receive a ‘Max Buck.’ Ten Max Bucks can be used to earn a free bag of popcorn at any future WINchester School event where popcorn is sold!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 01:29:04 +0000

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