November 22, 2013 Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods - TopicsExpress


November 22, 2013 Gods Living Bible - The Third Testament - Gods New Revelations - The Gospel of Messiah and Apostle Rev Colleen Etana - Can A World Divided Stand? God Through Colleen Etana with The Holy Spirit: There are so many things I have to Say to you. Here are just a few of them to start: Not only will a house divided not stand, but a world divided shall not either, not for much longer Im afraid. Cant you read the Signs of the times? And this has nothing to do with prophecies of an Armageddon from the Book of Revelation, but whether you shall allow your rights to be taken away, for it just as surely could become one. A Spiritual Armageddon if not a physical one. You must Unify and stand together as One Family under Me if you ever expect Peace and Abundance for all to reign here on earth now or in the future for your children. And the sooner the better, of course. This is going to take the courage, commitment and fortitude of all of you, for none will escape what the current events are pointing too, except maybe some of the ones in higher offices within the current systems of government, the so called powers that be and many of the world religious leaders or the very rich. We have been working to Teach and spread information over the Internet as many others have also been doing for awhile now. To wake people up around the globe, yet there are so many who will not see this coming for they do not want to and would rather live in denial or apathy. While the governments of the world are trying to implement a One World Government system, the people are wasting time arguing over whose religion is right, and how there can only be one Name for Me, which is this one and not that one, instead of dealing with the real issues the whole world is now facing. Or they live in the name of selfishness instead of selflessness. The need to become self sustaining, growing your own food in communities all over the world, helping each other heal, not fighting each other is an important tool towards your freedom. There needs to be cooperation and a losing of the infighting, abuse, ego wars, dramas, gossip, discord, superiority complexes and negativity. So many arguing about semantics, you may as well argue over whether My Moon is orange or white, square or round and stand on the most obvious incorrect answer because of pride and/or prejudice. Does it really matter? See to the real issues, and let go of the rest or many may all go down as slaves to the oppressors, power mongers, and money lovers and so will your children. Too long have I just observed as the so called Silent Witness. I will not be silent any longer and I Am Speaking to all those who have ears to hear and hearts that understand Real Love. Love has many aspects of itself and this particular aspect must be heard: Unconditional Love does not just send peaceful intentions in meditation as the best solution for whats going on in this world, even if it is a help, energetically speaking. It judges for Itself, the Truth of the situation you are all in and goes to work on the answers! By thinking one can ignore the negative so it will just disappear by itself, ignoring begets even more ignorance. It is as just hoping for the best and allowing the chips to fall where they may. *Like sowing seeds in infertile ground. There is no Wisdom in this! People throw around the word love until it means nothing and like a million apologies after awhile, they become insincere and worthless words just falling on self induced deafened ears. My Love is not wishy washy, lovey-dovey, mushy emotion with no substance as many may mistakenly think. It is not weak as many may suppose. It is the strongest force in My Universe and not because It gives in, but because It gives constantly. Real Unconditional Love is true strength to do what is necessary for real change. Real Love protects the innocent and looks after everyones best interests. Real Love is not passive or a bystander. Unconditional Love is standing up for what one knows is right, fair, and good for the entire world, not just one country. Unconditional Love does not compromise when it comes to the basic rights being made available to all. Unconditional Love is not a wimpy well-wishing ideology, but a stand up, firmly rooted, sometimes very tough love and is most disciplined in Its Endeavors without causing harm to others except for reasons of self defense. There is plenty of money in this world and has been since they began printing it, to stop starvation and lack, but in whose hands is it? Have you already given your sovereignty away before it had a chance to really blossom? Not yet, but its headed in that general direction. What would you do if money became obsolete? It is about there already. Could you survive this? Are you going out creating relationships and talking or planning what to do if this ever happens in preparation? I Do Not Advocate war for any reason. Get away from the ways that inspire division and return to the ways of Unity, which are sharing in the abundance on earth, rather than hoarding it. Stop feeling sorry for yourselves, dwelling in misery and trying to take others with you. Grow up and be mature, make better decisions for the good of all, not just your own sake. What happened to the Law of Love? What happened to charity or the law of giving and receiving? It is action, not superstitions, fantasies or religious racism, that is needed now as there is so much work to be done. Be as active as possible, whether it be devoting your time online, spreading the truth and making others aware, or physically out in the world in your communities, one at a time. Whatever it takes, do it. You want to be a super hero? Then be one for real by doing something real for somebody else. Clean out your garage and closets, donate items to the needy personally; rather than a thrift shop that will sell them to those who can only afford it. Do you know how many well to do people buy from thrift shops leaving nothing for the needy anyway? Why not give things away freely and without a middle man, so to speak? Please dont console yourself with the kind of thinking that there are plenty of others doing it so you do not have to participate and let laziness have its way with you. I implore you to get involved any way you can. You must not be complacent in performing your duties to the earth, each other and to Me. Messiah Colleen writes: So many are waiting for Jesus to return and save the world. You wait in vain for a Savior that is already here as God in us. I am fighting the good fight and will continue to do so. We need to save ourselves and our planet before we lose it all. And this time is not far off beloveds. Get away from the television, materialism, consumerism, partying constantly too; for the addictions have you in the palm of their hands, not in Gods where you should be. Rise above it! I did it from the depths of madness even, and have overcome these things. You block God from helping in your life more completely! God Works through us in seeing needs are met and is not going to just magically or miraculously save the world in a single night like Santa Claus, or do everything for us in some rapturous future prophecy that just seems to never happen. This is a time to be bold. Standing on Our Truths by living them and working together. It will be just as ridiculous and useless then as it is now, for anyone to say, I told you so., or ask, Why didnt we do something? as it is to cry out to the cow for milk that has already been spilt and dried up. Knowing this concept in regards to an eternal soul perspective, does not relieve you of your response-ability or mean that its OK to just wait until you pass from this life and do nothing substantial but kill time until that day. AMEN Read more: godslivingbible.proboards/thread/1952/world-divided-stand#ixzz2lRk6GpGc
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 06:11:17 +0000

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